If you participate in a gift exchange in the galaxy far, far away, are you prepared? Do you have ideas about what to get people like Luke Skywalker, Rey, or Obi-Wan Kenobi? If your list isn't as complete as it could be, fear not! We have suggestions to help you with all of your fictional shopping. Here's what we would gift some of our favorite Star Wars characters:
Padmé Amidala
Wig stands. Look, Padmé has a lot of wigs; we learned this in The Clone Wars. Help keep her organized with this thoughtful gift.
A winter coat. While she was taken to Starkiller Base against her will, it was still a reminder that she needs a deeper wardrobe than Jakku-wear.
Luke Skywalker
A moisture farm. Luke didn't care for his uncle's moisture farm when he was young, but now he might appreciate a simpler life. Choose a plot of land on Tatooine, Jakku, or whatever desert planet you come to first.
Ezra Bridger
A shoretrooper helmet. The new Rogue One Scarif shoretrooper helmet would be a fine addition to Ezra's collection of Imperial buckets.
Back-up ambulatory struts. Make sure Chopper never has an excuse to chase after a matching leg again.
Leia Organa
Mynock repellent. Because mynocks.
A Loth-cat. I don't know how BB-8 would manage taking care of a pet, but could you imagine how cute it would be for him to roll alongside a furry pal? I vote for a Loth-cat.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
A GPS device. I realize the point of Obi-Wan living in the middle of nowhere on Tatooine was to keep away from strangers, but he might want to invite someone over for a cup of tea sometime. GPS coordinates would help those individuals find their way.
Kylo Ren
Extended warranties on First Order computers.
Pilot training. Finn can handle himself on the ground, but I bet he'd like to know the basics of flying a ship in case he needs to leave somewhere in a hurry again (it's a situation he finds himself in a lot).
Han Solo
A pair of custom dice. Han was a gambling sort of man, and he'd appreciate a custom set of dice...you'd probably get extra thanks if they're somehow rigged to win.
Hera Syndulla
A B-wing. Hera got in the pilot's seat and tested the B-wing (or Blade Wing, a prototype); she would so love if one showed up for her on Atollon with a giant red bow. Of course, she'd re-gift it to the Rebellion, but she'd appreciate the thought.
A galactic translator. Not everyone speaks Shyriiwook, so help Chewie get his point across to everyone with a pocket-sized translator.
Darth Vader
Tracking devices and/or probe droids. He puts them to good use!
Emperor Palpatine
What do you get the Sith Lord who has everything? Hydrating sheet masks. His face needs all the help it can get; all those wrinkles have to be uncomfortable.
A custom defragmenting program. Good ol' Artoo is carrying around decades worth of memories and data. Give him a way to organize his files efficiently so it doesn't take him days to come back online.
Kanan Jarrus
Bag of ponytail holders. Trust me, anyone with long hair would praise you for giving this gift.
Ahsoka Tano
A trampoline. Ahsoka showed off some good leaping and dodging when she fought Darth Vader. Think how much she could improve those skills if she had a small, portable trampoline!
Supreme Leader Snoke
ID holder. When you give Snoke this present, offer to help and put his ID in it and then report back to fandom about his true identity.
Rebel Alliance rations. Since Yoda was so excited about stealing Luke's food, he'd appreciate a gift-wrapped stash of ration bars to keep in his hut. Maybe they would improve the flavor of his soup. Or a lamp. He seems to really need one.
Poe Dameron
A new jacket. Poe's jacket got passed around in The Force Awakens, and he ultimately let Finn keep it. He deserves a new piece of outerwear.
Director Orson Krennic
Gift certificates for his preferred dry cleaner. You know Krennic has to get his gleaming white cape cleaned all the time and that he's probably picky about who does it.
An all-expenses paid visit to the fanciest droid spa on Coruscant. It would get him out of the way for a day and his companions could enjoy some peace and quiet. And only one oil bath in all those years is just not fair.
What would you get for your favorite Star Wars characters? Tell us in the comments!
Amy Ratcliffe is a writer obsessed with Star Wars, Disney, and coffee. Follow her on Twitter at @amy_geek.