In's new digital series Our Star Wars Stories, Jordan Hembrough travels the country talking to fans about the many ways that Star Wars has impacted their lives. In addition to the series, we've asked these fans some essential Star Wars questions. This week, FJ answers a big one: Who was your first Star Wars friend? Watch his response below!
But that's not all -- we also posed this question to some Lucasfilm employees. Check out their answers, and let us know your pick in the comments!
"The first to introduce and share Star Wars with me were my parents and older sister. My parents were software engineers that met working on the International Space Station, so you can imagine that space and sci-fi movies were celebrated in our household. A New Hope was frequently on our TV, but my first impactful memory in a galaxy far, far away was seeing Episode I in theaters in 1999. I was obsessed. It was the first movie theater experience that really stuck with me past that first day -- it was so immersive, I wanted to see it again and again. Huge thanks to my parents and sister for encouraging the 'nerdy' stuff and getting me into the Star Wars universe!" - Michelle Halevi (QA Brand Lead, Lucasfilm Games Team)
"Mine was a girl named Kelly Martin. We became friends because our parents took us to see Star Wars in 1977, and we basically met that day. We lived next door to each other and played together our entire lives, and we are still BFFs to this very day. I'm her son's godfather, and she's my kids' godmother, and when we were little we swore we were gonna grow up to build the Millinnium Falcon together! So, Star Wars was pretty much the reason we became friends." - Billy Ray Chubbs (Motion Capture Performer, Lucasfilm)
In case you missed it, be sure to check out FJ's episode of Our Star Wars Stories.
Watch new episodes of Our Star Wars Stories on the official Star Wars YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook pages, and on every Tuesday. All Star Wars, all the time.
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