As the comic adaptation of Season 2 of the Disney+ series draws to a close, the Mandalorian and Boba Fett prepare to free Grogu.
This is some rescue!
In the next issue of Marvel’s Star Wars: The Mandalorian – Season 2, an adaptation of “Chapter 16: The Rescue,” Din Djarin must gather other Mandalorian warriors and friends to take on Moff Gideon. That means calling on Boba Fett, Bo-Katan Kryze, and Koska Reeves, three allies who don’t necessarily see eye to eye.
The Mandalorian – Season 2 #8, written by Rodney Barnes and illustrated by Steven Cummings, with a cover by Felipe Massafera, arrives January 10 and is available for pre-order now on ComiXology and at your local comic shop.