His high exaltedness, the great Jabba the Hutt, has decreed that you are to eat avocado. After all, it’s a fruit -- and a nutritious breakfast is a must if you’re trying to keep that sleek, slimy, Hutt-like figure.
Avocado toast is all the rage so why not have yours resemble the most famous kingpin this side of the Outer Rim? The dish is rounded out with a smooth hummus, sprinkled with a peppery cayenne that has the quality of Jabba’s unpredictable anger.
Serve this up before tossing your guests into the rancor pit. It’s only good manners.
Jabbacado Toast
1 piece of bread, toasted
½ avocado
2-3 tablespoons hummus
1 slice mango
4 black sesame seeds
½ teaspoon dark honey
Cayenne pepper