Fate has chosen you -- to get spectacular Vader Immortal posters at San Diego Comic-Con.
As revealed on The Star Wars Show, ILMxLAB is giving away brand-new Vader Immortal collectible posters at the pop-culture event. The six posters feature characters from Episode I of the innovative Star Wars VR experience, including the Black Bishop, Darth Vader, Admiral Karius, Mustafarian Priestess, Vylip, and ZO-E3. A limited amount of the posters will be available each day of the show at the Lucasfilm pavilion (booth #2913) -- but the Sith Lord won't be so easy to capture. You’ll have to attend ILMxLAB’s "Star Wars Stories" panel on Friday to obtain the Darth Vader poster.
Check out the posters and full ILMxLAB panel info below!

Step Inside ILMxLAB’s Star Wars Stories
Friday, July 19, 2019
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Room 7AB
From your Jedi Trials on Tatooine to a walk on the dark side in Vader Immortal, ILMxLAB is taking Star Wars fans on immersive journeys to a galaxy far, far away. Ben Snow (director), Jose Perez III (senior experience designer), Alyssa Finley (senior producer), and Sarah Barrick (production coordinator) will give attendees a look back at these incredible adventures and a sneak peek at Vader Immortal: Episode II. Moderated by Justin Bolger (ILMxLAB marketing manager).
See the Vader Immortal posters and more on this week's installment of The Star Wars Show!
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