The young learner, led by Master Yoda, begins her first mission as the Jedi answer a call for help.
There comes a time when every Jedi must put their training to the test. For Padawan Lula Talisola and her friends, that time is now.
In’s first look at IDW Publishing’s Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #1, the Star Hopper, a Padawan Academic Cruiser, receives a distress call following a hyperspace disaster that has wrought chaos throughout the galaxy. On board is promising Jedi-to-be Lula Talisola and other students of the Force -- and they’re all about to take their first real steps into a larger world…
The High Republic Adventures #1, from writer Daniel José Older and artist Harvey Tolibao, arrives February 3 and is available for pre-order now on Comixology and at your local comic shop.