A new image of the First Order surfaces plus more news from around the Internet!
Galaxy Wire is a selection of the StarWars.com team’s favorite activity relating to Jedi, Sith, and the power of the Force on the Internet. From Star Wars: The Force Awakens tidbits to photos of dogs dressed like Ewoks, you’ll find it all here. Thankfully, no Bothans died to get us this information.
Be afraid, be extremely afraid
Despite the highly secretive nature of the mysterious First Order, a screen grab from the latest international promotional spot of The Force Awakens shows thousands of soldiers, TIE Fighters, and AT-ATs gathered in an undisclosed location.
What could they be doing? Celebrating May the 4th? Throwing the biggest ever tailgate party? We won't know for another 129 days. Ugh.
The Battle Pod replaces the benchpress
According to a report by the LA Times, a team of football players got the opportunity to test-drive the Star Wars: Battle Pod arcade game at the Notre Dame High School gym in Sherman Oaks, California. The game was a gift from a parent who clearly understands the similarities between Star Wars and football. Engage the opposition. Drive down the field. Kick a ball through the exhaust port.
No big deal, just a movie about Han freakin' Solo
In an interview with IGN, directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller talk about the challenge of making a film that centers directly on the wily smuggler that ditched Imperial APBs, shot up bounty hunters underneath tables, led space chases into astroid fields, went head to head with a Star Destroyer, and left a trail of carnage pretty much everywhere he went on the Death Star.
Seriously what challenge? This movie's going to be great no matter what.
Witness the Eighth Wonder in action
The original Sandcrawler may have felt like Tatooine's garbage truck, but two LEGO masters have turned it into something that makes us understand why human beings were blessed with dexterity. Like the ancient Egyptians, these guys crafted their masterpiece using bricks. Thousands and thousands of bricks. Technabob reports that the vehicle includes an elevator, a droid lift, moving tracks, and a conveyor belt. If you look hard maybe you'll find an indoor swimming pool.
Utinni! Translation: awesome.
What Star Wars news are you most excited about? Let us know in the comments below!
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