One of the great things about Star Wars is that it inspires endless debates and opinions on a wide array of topics. Best bounty hunter? Most powerful Jedi? Does Salacious Crumb have the best haircut in the saga? In that spirit, presents From a Certain Point of View: a series of point-counterpoints on some of the biggest — and most fun — Star Wars issues. In this installment, two writers defend their favorite supporting character from The Mandalorian so far...
No contest. It’s Kuiil, says Amy.
“You are a bounty hunter. I will help you. I have spoken.”
These are some of the first words Kuiil spoke in The Mandalorian and they sum up why he’s the best supporting character. An Ugnaught of few words, Kuiil was a patient problem solver in a harsh world. He wasn’t interested in fame or fortune -- all he wanted was peace in his valley and to protect others from the Imperial enslavement that dominated most of his own life.
Kuiil could not be tied down into long debates (has there ever been a better conversation ender than “I have spoken”?) and never allowed his emotions to sway his opinions or actions. He was also an excellent teacher. When Din Djarin (a.k.a. the Mandalorian) balked at the idea of learning how to ride a blurrg and then struggled to tame one, Kuiil was patient but firm with him. “You are a Mandalorian, your ancestors rode the great mythosaur!” Djarin was probably not used to hearing essentially “quit your whining and get back out there,” but it’s exactly the message he needed to hear at that moment.
Kuiil also knew his worth. When Cara Dune taunted Kuiil about his time spent working for the Empire, Kuiil was quick to shut her down. He pointed out that he worked to earn his freedom with the skill of his hands in what amounted to three human lifetimes. He then took on the task of making the Child’s carrier more comfortable for sleeping -- a task many other characters might have scoffed at for being unimportant, but Kuiil understood the value of hard work, small comforts, and being a team player.
Kuiil also saw value in helping people (or droids) others had cast off. It wasn’t an easy job to remake and reprogram IG-11 from an assassin droid to a protection droid. It required someone with skill, patience, and an open mind to see worth in this effort. Sadly, Kuiil did not live long enough to see that his re-made IG-11 was key in keeping the Child out of the hands of the Imperials, but his bravery and kindness will not soon be forgotten by Djarin.
For all of these reasons Kuiil, to me, is the clear standout supporting character in The Mandalorian.
I have spoken.
It’s Greef Karga, says Brendan.
I totally get it -- I absolutely love Kuiil, too. But there's one Mandalorian character I love more than most (well, except the Child, naturally) and it's Greef Karga. I think there are two main reasons why.
The first reason is that Greef Karga feels like he has a history. From the second you meet him, Karga establishes himself as a seasoned veteran of the underworld. He feels like a guy who's accomplished a lot in his bounty hunting career, and now doles out the gigs to others in the Bounty Hunters' Guild. He's a tough cookie who seems to be in his element when among fellow galactic scum and villainy. Did he work for the Empire at some point? His backstory remains mysterious.
It helps that Carl Weathers is the actor who portrays Karga. Weathers is a legendary performer -- whether he's playing a quirky version of himself for laughs on Arrested Development, or as the theatrical boxer Apollo Creed in Rocky, he always delivers. The man brings gravitas to Karga. Plus, nobody says "Mando" quite like Carl Weathers.
The second reason I love this character is that Greef Karga contains multitudes. He's someone you might want to keep an eye on, but lives by some kind of code -- even if it's a malleable one. His change of heart during the first season of The Mandalorian was unexpected and an utter delight.
Karga goes after Mando in a menacing way that feels like he's a real threat, laying a clever trap for our hero. After all, Din Djarin really made a mess of things by deciding to protect his bounty, smashing Guild norms in the process. But after being healed by the Child, Karga risks himself and his reputation to go up against the Imperials. Like Han Solo's well-timed appearance at the Battle of Yavin, it's always a good time when a scoundrel throws in with the heroes at the last minute.
I sincerely appreciate that Karga has the wisdom and experience to know that it's acceptable to change your mind. He's smart enough to try to trick his adversary, but also pragmatic enough to conclude that Mando and Child won’t be safe until the Client is eliminated. He sets the final plan into motion by offing his henchmen and working with Kuiil, Mando, and Cara Dune to bring the fight to the bad guys.
And unlike poor unfortunate Kuiil, we get to spend more time with Greef Karga in Season 2! I'm super excited to see what he's up to.
What do you think? Do you agree with Amy or Brendan? Maybe they're both wrong! Let us know on social using #FromACertainPOV!