Troy Benjamin is a producer and author born on the frozen-ice planet, Colorado. Through the years, he vied for a turn on Celebrity Sports Center’s Atari Star Wars arcade, trudged the Mimban muds of the first Star Wars Celebration, curated the Jedi Temple Archive special features for Star Wars: The Clone Wars, assisted BB-8 repair a Roaster Toaster on Earth to Ned, and tormented his idols John Dykstra, Dennis Muren, and Richard Edlund with countless questions.
Troy Benjamin
First Star Wars Memory:
Paploo’s speeder bike theft, and the resulting squeal of delight, really stuck with an impressionable kid watching Return of the Jedi at the Parker Cinema IV. That, or the epic continuation of the Star Wars saga created in my best friend Nate’s basement utilizing every item in his massive Kenner collection…of which I’m still jealous to this day.
Favorite Star Wars Film:
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Favorite Star Wars Character:
Obi-Wan Kenobi. Close runner-up is Babu Frik.
Favorite Star Wars Scene:
I’m going to cheat: the Battles of Hoth, Yavin, Scarif, and Endor. In that order. And the escape from Narkina 5.
{:title=>"Characters + Histories", :url=>""}
Jedi at 40 | 11 of the Strangest and Deadliest Denizens of Jabba's Palace
May 23, 2023
May 23, 2023
May 23
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