Get a first look at the final installment in the acclaimed series of books reimagining Star Wars as Shakespeare.
"This above all: to thine own self be true."
One of William Shakespeare's most famous lines strikes at the very thematic core of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, and now the final film of the Skywalker saga is getting the full Bard of Avon treatment.
William Shakespeare's The Merry Rise of Skywalker by Ian Doescher, coming July 28, will reimagine The Rise of Skywalker as a Shakespearean drama, complete with authentic meter and verse, and theatrical dialogue by everyone from Kylo Ren to Babu Frik. It will also complete Doescher's incredible nine-book Star Wars-as-Shakespeare series.
Along with This Week! in Star Wars, is thrilled to offer a first look at the cover to The Merry of Skywalker, featuring a medieval-armored Kylo Ren and Rey, and other surprises.
Come back to next week for an exclusive excerpt from the book!
See William Shakespeare's The Merry Rise of Skywalker and more on This Week! in Star Wars below! All Star Wars, all the time.
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