The Bounty Hunt, a favorite event from previous Star Wars Celebrations, is coming to Celebration Europe -- with a twist! Since Celebration IV in Los Angeles, I’ve been bringing puzzle-solving races for my fellow fans, and now the Star Wars faithful coming to Essen will get the chance to use their bounty hunting smarts to play in a fun challenge.
The Bounty Hunt: Wanted by Jabba will be an open-ended challenge with clues delivered by the official convention smartphone app, which can be downloaded by visiting Jabba the Hutt is looking for some new help, and this is your chance to gain favor and maybe even a reward with Tatooine’s top crime boss. He’ll be giving you tasks to complete via the app, but you’ll need to solve the clues to know where to go! You’ll be hunting down Jabba’s rivals, picking up tidbits of valuable information, or maybe just bringing back wayward employees from his palace.
Solving a clue will lead you to a spot in the Messe Essen, where you’ll find a small QR code (two dimensional bar code). Scan that code with the app, that job will be marked as completed, and you will receive a piece of the final message. Finish all of Jabba’s dirty work, and the final message will give you extra instructions to get your reward from Jabba -- something you won't be getting anywhere else!
Unlike the previous Bounty Hunt challenges that were set up as races for teams of two to four with a definite start and finish time, “Wanted by Jabba” is open all convention long. You can participate throughout the entire weekend, working on clues as you enjoy the convention, starting and stopping whenever you want -- it’s not a race against the clock. You can even be a solo hunter, or work with friends or family to form a bounty hunting team. Are you cunning enough to join Jabba’s team of bounty hunters -- or will you end up as rancor bait?
As co-designer and organizer of the Kessel Run and Bounty Hunt events at the last three US Star Wars Celebrations, I’ve heard from a lot of fans who found our puzzle adventures to be their favorite experience from the conventions, and I’m really excited to be able to bring a taste of it to fans across the Atlantic.