The final season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch is here! In Bad Batch Declassified, we’ll explore our favorite moments from each episode, available only on Disney+. Armor up and join us for the ride.
Spoiler warning: This article discusses details and plot points from the Star Wars: The Bad Batch episode, “A Different Approach.”
Hope. In countless Star Wars stories, it keeps our heroes on course for victory, and makes the impossible a reality when facing down an enemy like the Empire. And for young Omega, it pushes her forward as she flees from Dr. Royce Hemlock, believing, without a doubt, that she and her brothers will be reunited.
Not everyone shares her view. Omega and Crosshair have been at odds all season. She wanted to escape; he wanted to be left behind. She believed they could get to freedom; he was convinced they would never make it. Now, having crashed on Lau, Omega is unwavering in her belief that her brothers are out there, looking for her, and they will meet again. But first, she and Crosshair have to survive a high-stakes card game and Hemlock’s tenacity. Here are five highlights from the latest episode, “A Different Approach.”

1. Nala Se behind bars.
The Kaminoan has done some questionable things in her time, but we have to applaud her protective instinct when it comes to her former lab assistant. Imprisoned for helping the young clone escape, she continues to lie to Hemlock’s face. Nala Se has risked it all to save Omega. It may not quite make up for her past, but it certainly sets her on the path to redemption.

2. Some fast credits.
Or as some call it, “a temporary requisition of funds.” The strategic thinking that won over Cid on Ord Mantell is back on display as Omega enraptures a cantina in a game of balaans against a confident Trandoshan. But going toe-to-toe with an Imperial captain? That takes some real courage.

3. Rescuing Batcher.
Complete chaos, blaster fire, and a stolen cargo ship. When Omega’s attempts at blending in don’t work, doing things Crosshair’s way is certainly a different approach. It’s also a test of his true allegiance. Sure, he said they should leave Batcher the lurca hound, but when it came down to it, Crosshair followed Omega to help the newest member of the Batch.

4. A tearful reunion…
Hunter and Wrecker have crossed the galaxy multiple times looking for Omega. They’ve desperately tried pretty much every plan of attack they could think of to find Hemlock’s lab. But it was Omega who found them. No matter how many times we watch it, it still brings us to tears.

5. And an uneasy reconciliation.
The elite clones aren’t exactly happy to see everyone that tumbles out of that stolen Imperial freighter. Given their history with Crosshair, some tension is more than warranted and expected. Here’s hoping Omega’s trust hasn’t been misplaced and the original member of Clone Force 99 is ready to reclaim his place.