Powerful guardians of peace and justice. Stalwart protectors of an entire galaxy. People with flaws and fears? Absolutely. The Jedi of the High Republic weren’t stoic superheroes -- although they were capable of some astounding things -- but were challenged by the same misgivings and doubts that everyone in the galaxy feels. Facing daunting threats from the Nihil and the Drengir, these Jedi found strength and guidance in the Force and each other.
Get to know these nine Jedi Padawans, Knights, and Masters as they fight for the fate of the galaxy in Star Wars: The High Republic.
Warning: Spoilers for the first phase of The High Republic follow.
1. Avar Kriss
The Force sang to Jedi Master Avar Kriss. Avar sensed the Force as a melody; its beats and rhythms alerted her to any danger nearby. She had a unique ability to feel the bonds between Force users. That connection that allowed her to sense all Jedi within her reach, link them to each other, and stay aware of their presence. A Jedi never felt alone when they were touched by that bond. After playing a vital role in saving millions of lives in the Hetzal system, Avar was assigned to the Starlight Beacon station as its marshal.
Compassionate and unflappable, Avar was a paragon of the Jedi Order. She wielded a green-bladed lightsaber with gold accents and a cross guard on its hilt.
2. Bell Zettifar
The young Padawan Bell Zettifar was posted on Elphrona with his master, Loden Greatstorm. Loden expected a lot of his student, and Bell trained hard under his watchful -- but kind -- eye. After the Force brought Bell together with a charhound named Ember, the two became steadfast companions for life. Bell was determined and thoughtful and trusted in the Force.
Bell’s lightsaber had a silver switch and hilt with a black and gold endcap. Its blade was green. He sees the Force as a flame that can smolder like hot coals or burst into an inferno.
3. Elzar Mann
Jedi Master Elzar Mann was close friends with Avar Kriss and Stellan Gios. His approach to the Force was unconventional; he never liked to use the Force the same way twice. Elzar believed in always finding a solution. The human explored his abilities and the Force itself as an experiment. It sometimes failed, but it also revealed new understanding about the Force and the Order.
Elzar was clever and personable. He saw the Force as an ocean inside himself, deep and endless, in which all things swam. He carried a lightsaber with a blue blade.
4. Keeve Trennis
Optimistic and independent Jedi Knight Keeve Trennis was once the Padawan of Jedi Master Sskeer. Keeve found comfort and peace in the Force, although she couldn’t help cussing from time to time when she was surprised or frustrated. The young human sometimes struggled with uncertainty, but her resolute faith in the Force guided her on her journey.
Keeve was so skilled with her green, dual-bladed lightsaber that she used it in both its single blade and double blade forms.
5. Loden Greatstorm
Loden Greatstorm was a venerable Twi’lek Jedi Master who took Bell Zettifar under his wing. Loden was a talented pilot and wise teacher with a mischievous streak. He pushed his Padawan -- sometimes literally -- to discover something new about himself and the Force whenever there was an opportunity. “If I do everything,” Loden liked to say, “no one learns anything.”
Loden’s lightsaber glowed with a golden yellow light. He wielded it with precision.
6. Lula Talisola
Lula Talisola was a human Padawan assigned to the cruiser Star Hopper alongside her best friends Farzala and Qort. The hard-working student trained with the lofty goal of becoming the greatest Jedi, and she excelled in her studies. However, she had misgivings about herself and her abilities because of her lack of experience. When the Force brought her to Trymant IV, she rose to the challenge -- and found a new friend.
Lula’s understated lightsaber emitted a bright blue blade.
7. Reath Silas
Excitement. Adventure. Reath Silas definitely did not crave these things but found himself in the middle of both. The Padawan would have happily spent his days in the Jedi Archives if the Force didn’t have other plans for him. Once his master, Jora Malli, decided she wanted him to experience life on the frontier of the galaxy, nothing would be the same again.
The Padawan’s lightsaber had a green crystal embedded in the hilt. Reath might not have sought out ruthless enemies and deadly dangers, but he faced them with true bravery and his wits.
8. Stellan Gios
Jedi Masters Stellan Gios, Elzar Mann, and Avar Kriss had been inseparable during their time as Padawans. They remained close even as they climbed the ranks in the Jedi Order. Stellan might have seemed more standoffish than his friends, but he was respected and had a passion for teaching, mentoring, and learning. Stellan was also strikingly handsome.
With his blessing, Stellan’s Padawan Vernestra Rwoh underwent and passed her Jedi Trials at the young age of fifteen.
His blue-bladed lightsaber made use of a cross guard with beams of blue light.
9. Vernestra Rwoh
Vernestra Rwoh was one of the youngest Jedi Knights in the history of the Republic. She passed her trials on her first attempt when she was fifteen. It was a rarity for the Jedi, who were typically still in their apprenticeships to a master at that age. Instead, Vernestra took on a Padawan of her own, Imri, who was nearly the same age. She wasn’t particularly gifted with the Force, but Vernestra was tenacious and an exemplary hard worker. The teenaged Mirialan was also kind and empathetic.
Vernestra’s lightsaber was unique not just because of its purple blade; the Force also guided her in modifying it to use as a flexible light whip.
Visit Lucasfilm’s official hub for all things Star Wars: The High Republic at StarWars.com/TheHighRepublic.
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