In 5 Questions, talks to guests of The Star Wars Show for some additional, fun intel.
Thrawn: Treason, the new novel in which the Grand Admiral's loyalty is tested by the Emperor himself, is finally here. Author Timothy Zahn stopped by The Star Wars Show this week to discuss the book and our favorite Imperial mastermind, but we had a few more questions for the creator of Thrawn…
When and where did you first see Star Wars?
The original movie, I saw it on the second night of release. The first night I was working at the computer lab on my thesis project, but I got there on the second night.
If you could hang out with anyone in Star Wars, who would it be?
Oh, that’s an interesting question. For the fun of it, Han. For watching someone grow to be a responsible Jedi, Luke. For someone who is the anchor of it all, Leia.
Would you join the Rebellion or the Empire?
Well, the Rebellion is fighting for good and for truth and justice, [but] the Empire is probably more equipped to deal with the threat that Thrawn sees coming in. And frankly, the Empire’s got the coolest ships and uniforms, too.
What is your desert island Star Wars movie?
Empire Strikes Back.
Say something nice about Darth Vader.
[Laughs] He was offered redemption and he took it. Many are offered redemption, and they don’t. He took it at whatever it was going to cost him.
Watch Timothy Zahn discuss Thrawn: Treason on this week’s episode of The Star Wars Show below!
Thrawn: Treason is available now. All Star Wars, all the time.
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