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Mas Amedda Biography Gallery
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A Chagrian with impeccable political skills, Mas Amedda served as Vice Chancellor of the Republic during Valorum’s time as Chancellor. Amedda survived the no-confidence vote in Valorum, retaining his post under the ambitious new Chancellor, Naboo’s Palpatine.
During the Separatist crisis, Amedda was Palpatine’s advisor, helping keep the Senate in line during debates and serving as aide and emissary.
Amedda helped arrange the Senate vote to give Palpatine emergency powers by taking advantage of Representative Jar Jar Binks’s eagerness to be of service. The vote was a critical step in Palpatine’s secret plan to turn the Republic into a Sith Empire.
Granted emergency powers, Palpatine immediately authorized the creation of a clone army, which conveniently already existed on the remote planet of Kamino. Amedda watched alongside the Supreme Chancellor as clone legions assembled on Coruscant to fight the Clone Wars.
Amedda stood beside Palpatine as the Supreme Chancellor warned that Death Watch posed a threat to Mandalore. The Chagrian dismissed Duchess Satine’s determination to remain neutral as the empty talk of an idealist, arguing for Republic intervention on the planet.
Duchess Satine’s investigation revealed that key evidence indicating the need for a Republic intervention had been faked. That led to an order for Republic forces to stand down -- and a rare defeat for Palpatine and his henchman Amedda.
When Palpatine ordered the Zillo Beast brought from Malastare to Coruscant for study, Amedda supported the Supreme Chancellor’s decision to study the massive creature for military research and development.
Padmé Amidala argued with Palpatine about killing the Zillo Beast for research purposes. In response, Amedda tried to bully the Naboo Senator, wondering pointedly if she didn’t have more pressing issues to deal with.
When Padmé and her Senate allies argued against increased military spending and sought a peaceful resolution of the Clone Wars, Amedda assisted Palpatine and acted behind the scenes to thwart their efforts.
Amedda’s bullying ways often let Palpatine appear statesmanlike and reasonable by comparison – a dynamic on display when the Supreme Chancellor offered consoling words to Padmé after the defeat of her bill to scale back war production.
Amedda was one of the few beings in the galaxy who knew Palpatine’s secrets, most notably his true identity as a Sith Lord. He was present on Naboo when assassins targeted Palpatine – another ruse intended to advance the Sith plot.
When Ahsoka Tano was put on trial for sedition against the Jedi and the Republic, Amedda presided over the proceedings and handed Palpatine the verdict in the case. But it was never read, as Anakin Skywalker arrived just in time with Barriss Offee, the real traitor.
Amedda was present when Palpatine offered an explanation for clone trooper Tup’s madness, hiding the true nature of the inhibitor chips placed in each clone’s brain.
Amedda assisted Palpatine in the Sith plot to take over the Banking Clan, using Rush Clovis as an unwitting pawn in a conspiracy that gave the Supreme Chancellor even more power over an increasingly militarized Republic.
In the final days of the Clone Wars, Palpatine sought to draw Anakin Skywalker into the Sith web, having groomed him as a new apprentice to replace Count Dooku. Amedda was in the Supreme Chancellor’s box at the Coruscant Opera House when Palpatine summoned Anakin for a critical meeting.
When Palpatine declared himself Emperor, Amedda was at his side, watching with satisfaction as the Senate cheered the end of the Republic.
Amedda watched impassively as Yoda confronted Darth Sidious in the Supreme Chancellor’s office beneath the Senate chamber. He then departed, certain that his Sith master would prevail against the Grandmaster of the nearly extinct Jedi Order.
Amedda retained his power in the Galactic Empire, serving as its Grand Vizier and earning a reputation as one of the Emperor’s most-feared servants. Military leaders such as Grand Moff Tarkin heeded his summons on behalf of Palpatine, while governors such as Arihnda Pryce dreamed of being thought worthy of Amedda’s attention.
Mas Amedda Biography Gallery
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