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Lux Bonteri Biography Gallery
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Lux Bonteri was surprised when his mother, Separatist Senator Mina Bonteri, agreed to meet with Republic Senator Padmé Amidala in hopes of starting peace talks between the warring sides. Lux’s father was a victim of the war, killed the previous year by clone troopers.
While the two Senators negotiated on Raxus, Lux and Ahsoka struck up a tentative friendship, and exchanged warm farewells when the talks ended. But Count Dooku then ended the negotiations, angrily telling the Galactic Senate that an attack by Republic forces had resulted in Mina Bonteri’s death.
Lux discovered that Dooku’s thugs were the ones that had killed his mother, and interrupted a meeting between Republic and Separatist Senators on neutral Mandalore to decry Dooku. Separatist droids dragged him off to a landing ship, where Dooku appeared via hologram and ordered him executed. With Dooku looming over him, Lux activated a holotrace device that pinpointed the source of the transmission.
As Lux had hoped, Ahsoka intervened, saving him from the droids and taking him aboard a Republic vessel bound for Coruscant. To the Padawan’s astonishment, he stunned her, hijacking the ship and heading for the planet Carlac.
Lux had teamed up with the Mandalorian splinter group Death Watch in hopes of killing Dooku and avenging his mother. He told the Death Watch warriors that Ahsoka was his betrothed, a ruse the Padawan reluctantly played along with.
In Death Watch’s camp, Ahsoka warned him that he was unwise to trust the Mandalorians. Mindful of their cover story, Lux quieted her by grabbing her and kissing her.
Lux gave the holotrace device pinpointing Dooku’s location to Death Watch’s Pre Vizsla. But when the Mandalorians slaughtered a village of peaceful Ming Po, Lux realized Ahsoka was right – he’d made a mistake by allying himself with the bandits.
Ahsoka fought free of the Mandalorians, and she and Lux fled with R2-D2, escaping Vizsla’s warriors and reaching their ship.
Ahsoka and Lux were once more headed to Coruscant – but again, Lux had other ideas. He boarded an escape pod and blasted off, determined to find his own path. But he knew he and Ahsoka would meet again.
Lux returned to his homeworld of Onderon, only to see its new king join the Separatists, whose cause Lux no longer believed in. He joined the planet’s resistance movement, led by the siblings Saw and Steela Gerrera.
Asked for help by the Onderon rebels, the Jedi agreed to try arming local resistance movements on Separatist planets. A team of clones and Jedi, including Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka, traveled to Onderon and taught Lux and the Gerreras military tactics.
Lux and the other Onderon rebels learned valuable lessons from their Republic allies. But Lux was well aware that Ahsoka had noticed the mutual attraction between him and Steela.
The rebels held off a Separatist attack and then entered the capital city of Iziz disguised as a merchant caravan. There, they began an armed campaign to subvert the Separatist occupation.
The rebels succeeded in destroying battle droids, but Iziz’s people refused to back their cause, fearful that the resistance would fail. Lux proposed an attack on a big, visible target to demonstrate the movement’s strength.
Lux and the rebels decided to target Iziz’s principal power generator, hampering the droids. The daring attack succeeded, but tensions were rising within the resistance. When the group voted to make Steela its leader, Saw couldn’t hide his disappointment.
The Separatist-backed King Rash decided to demonstrate his power by executing his popular predecessor, Dendup. Lux and Steela made plans for a public rescue, but Saw rushed off to try and save Dendup on his own – a dangerous and reckless course of action.
Saw was captured, but forces led by Steela and Lux saved him and Dendup. That led the capable veteran General Tandin to reconsider his loyalty to Rash and the Separatists, pledging himself to the resistance instead.
The Onderon rebellion was spreading – and a showdown with the Separatists loomed. But Lux, Saw and Steela disagreed about the best place for that battle.
Steela agreed with Ahsoka and King Dendup that the rebels should fight the Separatists in Onderon’s highlands, to minimize civilian casualties. With plans for the battle moving ahead, Steela grabbed Lux to give him a kiss, “just in case.”
The rebels fought well against the battle-droid infantry, but had to flee under bombardment from droid gunships. Lux, Saw and Steela broke their forces into small teams to deny the gunships easy targets.
The Jedi arranged a shipment of missiles delivered by the pirate Hondo Ohnaka. Now better armed, the Onderon rebels fought the droids again. They won the battle, with the Separatists withdrawing from Lux’s homeworld. But the price was heartbreaking – Steela died during the fighting, despite Lux’s attempts to save her.
With Onderon once more a part of the Republic, King Dendup appointed Lux as the planet’s Senator. He resolved to continue his mother’s work.
Lux Bonteri Biography Gallery
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