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"Kamino Lost" Episode Gallery
Spoiler alert! This story gallery contains plot details from "Kamino Lost"
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The Empire continues its barrage of Kamino's Tipoca City. Surrounded by smoke and explosions, the Bad Batch -- with an unconscious Crosshair and the droid AZI-3 in tow -- run for their lives.
Finally, the buildings begin to sink into the sea; as they topple, the group becomes separated.
A short time later, AZI frantically wakes Omega as water fills the room. The girl spots Crosshair, unconscious and trapped beneath debris, and calls for Hunter on her comm. With controls inoperable, Wrecker gets to work on opening the door to save Omega.
The water rises higher and higher, swallowing Crosshair. Desperate, AZI lifts the debris pinning Crosshair while Omega blasts it from above, freeing the clone. But there's little time left before they'll all be completely submerged.
Finally, Wrecker gets the door open! Omega, AZI, and Crosshair come spilling inside.
Crosshair first confronts Hunter, believing this destruction is his doing. Hunter explains that it was the Empire that destroyed Tipoca City, and the Bad Batch saved him. "If you want to stay here and die, that's your call," Hunter says as the group readies to move on. But soon, there's nowhere left to run.
The facility tilts and descends, and the Bad Batch hold on as wreckage falls and crashes around them. Finally, the structure stops as it comes to rest on the ocean floor.
Though no one suffered injuries, water once again begins to pour in. Tech leads the group away to a more secure location...
The Bad Batch's former barracks. While Crosshair and Hunter argue, Omega notices that the building landed on the underwater tunnel. If they can get inside, they can get back to the Marauder.
AZI cuts through layers of a maintenance deck and reaches the tunnel! The group drops down inside, but Crosshair soon notices cracks in the walls.
He demands they find another way out, which leads to another argument. Wrecker laments that Crosshair never tried to come back. "We still would've taken ya," he says. Tech explains that that would not be in Crosshair's nature, but points out to his former squadmate that while he understands him, he is not defending him.
Suddenly, a low wailing sound from outside the tunnels fills the air. The group stops in its tracks. Though Omega thinks the tunnels are protected, AZI explains that without operational power they are vulnerable.
Instantly, a great sea creature is upon them! They run forward, but it's too late. The beast rams the tunnel, creating more cracks in the facade.
AZI zooms ahead in an attempt to restore power and deter the creature while the rest make a run for it. The creature bites into the tunnel and water begins to pour in!
But AZI activates the tunnel's power, sending an electric shock into the beast. It releases from the construct, and the group climbs up to safety at the end of the tunnel.
As they regroup, AZI explains that he has caused the remaining power of the structure to short out. "But you have survived the transit," he adds. "This outcome is satisfactory."
They arrive in Nala Se's private lab. Tech says that this is where Omega saw the development of Clone Force 99 -- she was there, and is older than the Bad Batch. But there's a new a problem...
...as the last tunnel leading to the Marauder has been destroyed. Plus, AZI's battery reserves are depleting, long-range comms are down, and oxygen levels will be critical in a few hours. "This is what happens when you let a kid call the shots," Crosshair sneers.
"That kid saved your life. Unlike the Empire, who left you for dead," Hunter fires back. Crosshair defends the Empire, saying it did what needed to be done. "The Empire will control the entire galaxy, and I am going to be a part of it," Crosshair says. "Don't fool yourself," Hunter replies. "All you'll ever be to them is a number."
Omega sits with Crosshair. She explains that she was lonely before the Bad Batch were created, which is why she wanted to find them again. "Being a clone doesn't make you one of them," Crosshair barks. "I wanted to believe it was the inhibitor chip that made you like this," Omega replies. "But I was wrong."
In the lab, the Bad Batch come up with a plan: to use medical capsules to reach the surface. They'll need AZI to guide them upward and away from falling wreckage.
Omega and AZI prep explosives on the lab's exterior glass. With little time to lose, they all take their places inside the pods and Omega hits the detonator.
As the glass explodes, water gushes into the lab! The capsules begin to drift and AZI darts back and forth, pushing each along and out of harm's way.
But a large beam blindsides AZI, slamming the droid and Omega! The droid, now dangerously low on power, steadies himself, but the heavy debris pushes Omega's capsule downward.
The Bad Batch reach the surface and quickly see that Omega did not make it.
AZI manages to free Omega's pod and pushes it upward. Hunter reaches Omega on the comm, and she assures him that she'll be okay.
But AZI's power is failing. Omega pleads with the droid to hang on, but he cannot. "Your path is clear," he says. "I have completed my objective." AZI shuts down and drifts away lifelessly.
"I'm going after AZI!" Omega yells into the comm. She opens her pod and swims to the droid, but he's too heavy.
Hunter prepares to dive in, but stops as Crosshair raises his sniper rifle. He fires into the water...
...and pulls Omega and AZI up with a grappling line. Crosshair surrenders his weapon and sits in silence. Meanwhile, Tech gets a visual on the Marauder.
The next day, they reach the landing platform. In the distance, smoke billows from what used to be Tipoca City.
Wrecker asks Crosshair if he's coming with them. "I made my decision," he says. "We want different things," Hunter replies. "That doesn't mean we have to be enemies."
Omega stops before getting onboard. "You're still their brother, Crosshair," she says. "You're my brother, too." A moment later, the Marauder departs, leaving Crosshair alone.
Elsewhere, Nala Se arrives at an Imperial facility. "We are all admirers of your scientific talents," an administrator says. "The Empire has big things planned for you."
"Kamino Lost" Episode Gallery
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