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"I Am Your Mother" Trivia Gallery | Visions Volume 2
Fun facts and trivia from this episode!
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The pad that Anni uses to watch a race is based on similar tech seen in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.
Various vehicles from Star Wars are hidden throughout "I Am Your Mother," including one similar to Unkar Plutt's Quadjumper.
Actor Denis Lawson returns to reprise the role of Wedge Antilles, which he played in the original trilogy and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.
Among the model ships in Anni's room is a T-16 Skyhopper, just like the one Luke Skywalker had since childhood.
The market is loaded with Easter eggs, including the pole that Luke Skywalker hangs from in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back and lots more.
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"I Am Your Mother" Trivia Gallery | Visions Volume 2
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