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"Devil's Deal" Episode Gallery
Spoiler alert! This story gallery contains plot details from "Devil's Deal".
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On Ryloth, Crosshair stands with the Empire in the capitol building. The Twi'lek citizenry seems unhappy with the Imperials' presence, and Admiral Rampart lets his disappointment be known to Senator Orn Free Taa. Eleni Syndulla and her husband, General Cham Syndulla, assure Rampart, if reluctantly, that they are on the side of peace.
Taa speaks to the people, asking them to step down from their military posts. But this only makes the crowd angrier. General Syndulla comes forth to reassure them and express his support for the clone army that will remain on the planet. This assuages the crowd, who respond with cheers.
Rampart tells Eleni that he regrets her daughter could not attend the ceremony. "Hera has other interests, Admiral," she says.
From a rocky perch, Hera Syndulla and her droid Chopper spy on a mining facility. When nothing looks suspicious, Hera lies down to admire the skies...before clone troopers find her.
Privately, Gobi Glie, Cham's friend, tells Eleni that clones should not be the ones protecting Ryloth, and questions how Cham could support it. "By turning over our weapons, he's made us defenseless," Cham says. "I've already reached out to my contact to acquire more."
Suddenly, a clone escort arrives with Hera. Clone Captain Howzer, a friend of Cham's, says that Hera was found in a restricted zone, but lets her off quietly. Gobi comes forward and acknowledges it was he who sent Hera.
Eleni walks Hera back inside, asking her about what she saw. Meanwhile, Cham argues with Gobi. "I'm telling you, the Imperials are up to something," Gobi says. "You just don't want to see it."
In his office, the senator tells Rampart that Cham's fighters will always be loyal to him. "They all must be dealt with," he says. In turn, Rampart says that Taa needs to see this through.
Cham speaks with Hera, who gazes upward again, dreaming of flying. Hera says she is ready to fight, but Cham hopes she can live a life without it.
Rampart brings the Syndullas to the refinery. Despite initial promises, it appears to be a military facility; when pressed, Rampart says the Empire is dedicated to protecting the interests of Ryloth. Eleni and Cham argue about the Empire's intentions, with Eleni growing more and more suspicious.
Hera meets up with her uncle in the hangar. Though Hera came to say she's not allowed to join him on a planned supply run, Gobi's offer of flying is too good to refuse. She runs aboard, but not before Crosshair hits the vessel with a tracking device.
Along the way, Gobi offers Hera some pointers. They finally reach their destination, and Gobi reveals that the cargo they're obtaining is weapons. Shortly, Gobi's contacts -- the Bad Batch -- arrive.
Omega welcomes Hera onto the Marauder, showing her the cockpit and various controls. They chat about flying, and Hera promises that one day she'll be a pilot. Soon, Hera and her crew depart.
As Gobi makes his descent back to Ryloth, Crosshair delivers a precise hit to one of his ship's engines. The craft crashes in a ravine, and Rampart, Taa, and a squad of troops come to greet them. The senator feels that Hera's involvement is enough to implicate Cham, but Rampart isn't so sure. Still, Hera has committed a crime, he says. "She's only a child," Howzer protests, but Taa orders them all taken away.
From the hills, Cham's lieutenants see what's happening and report back. Crosshair and Rampart, however, are aware of the spies.
Chopper soon finds the Syndullas, informing them that Hera, her uncle, and the entire party has been accused of treason. They move to rendezvous with Cham's lieutenants, and decide to take control of the tank transporting the prisoners.
Cham commandeers a speeder bike and makes his way toward the tank, while Eleni and the others try to eliminate the trooper escort.
Lenk finally gains access to the cockpit of the tank and quickly jams the Empire's comms.
From the cockpit, Lenk shuts down the tank's lights and brings the transport to a halt. Rampart, with seemingly no other options, decides to surrender.
Outside, Hera reunites with Eleni. When Taa calls them traitors, Cham steps forward. "You threaten my daughter and accuse her of treason? For years, I've watched you put your greed and self interest above Ryloth," he says. "You are the one guilty of treason." Cham raises his blaster and points it directly at the senator's chest.
Howzer tells Cham to think about what he's doing, and Eleni gently calms her husband, who finally lowers his weapon.
"Thank you for playing your part, senator," Rampart suddenly says, as a blaster bolt strikes Taa in the head and Imperial ships descend. Realizing they've been set up, Eleni orders Chopper to get Hera to safety.
Rampart places Cham and Eleni under arrest -- and orders Howzer to find Hera.
"Devil's Deal" Episode Gallery
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