The boisterous bruiser of Clone Force 99, a group of elite soldiers known as the Bad Batch, Wrecker is a tower of a soldier, with powerful muscles that make him far stronger than the average clone. He earns his nickname well, as he has a flair for barreling through any obstacle thrown his way and serves as the resident demolitions expert -- a job he performs with much enthusiasm.

During the Clone Wars, Wrecker was a member of the Bad Batch, an elite group of clones called in for special missions for the Republic. On Skako Minor, Clone Force 99 helped Anakin Skywalker and Clone Captain Rex get behind enemy lines to rescue the clone called Echo, who was previously thought lost in the escape from the Citadel. After the rescue and the defeat of the enemy at the Battle of Anaxes, Skywalker gifted Wrecker with a detonator to blow up the Separatist Dreadnought -- one of the happiest days in the clone's life.

But at the end of the war, the execution of Order 66 put Wrecker and the rest of the Bad Batch in a difficult position. They did not respond to the inhibitor chip in the same way as their clone brothers, and on Kaller they even allowed a young Padawan named Caleb Dume to escape -- despite the directive to kill all Jedi for treason.

After an Imperial mission to eliminate an insurgency of Separatist droids on Onderon -- only to find organic beings just trying to survive -- Wrecker and his brothers defected from the new Empire alongside a child called Omega, who was a mutated clone like the rest of the Bad Batch. However, Crosshair remained behind to serve the Emperor and Admiral Tarkin.

Wrecker and Omega quickly formed a close bond. On the Marauder, he set her up with her own room and gave the young girl his treasured tooka doll, Lula. As fugitives, Wrecker and Clone Force 99 found work off the books with Cid, a Trandoshan who had been an ally of the Jedi during the war. On a job at Old Ord Mantell City, Wrecker's strength was the only thing capable of subduing a rampaging adolescent rancor called Muchi whom the Bad Batch was sent to rescue. He and Omega were fond of enjoying a Mantell Mix snack as a reward for a job well done.

But when Wrecker suffered a head injury during a mission to a droid decommissioning facility, he began to have debilitating headaches accompanied by muttering, "Good soldiers..." Soon after, Clone Captain Rex reunited with the Bad Batch and astutely diagnosed the ticking timebomb in Wrecker's head -- the inhibitor chip.

Rex and Clone Force 99 travelled to Bracca where a scrapyard provided the medical tech needed to remove the chips. Just before the first operation, Wrecker lost control of himself, firing his blaster at his friends and even stalking Omega who desperately tried to calm her friend. Fortunately, Rex subdued Wrecker with a stun jolt and the chip was removed successfully.

Clone Force 99 ultimately ended up back on their homeworld of Kamino. Together, Crosshair and the rest of the Batch witnessed the planet's destruction by the order of Vice Admiral Rampart and his Star Destroyers. The Bad Batch were presumed dead, but together they escaped, leaving Crosshair behind.

Several months after the disaster on Kamino, Wrecker and Clone Force 99 continued to work missions for Cid. They hunted for treasure at Dooku's castle on Serenno and took on a dangerous delivery of forged chain codes to the Vanguard Axis, as well as working security detail at the Safa Toma riot races, a perfect assignment for the Batch's muscle.

After Echo left to help Clone Captain Rex following a dangerous mission to Coruscant, Wrecker and the squad tried to settle down on the world of Pabu. A safe haven for refugees led by Mayor Shep Hazard, despite the natural obstacles like the occasional sea surge, Wrecker was able to relax in the village there, playing child-like games with Omega and Hazard’s daughter, Lyana. But their joy was short-lived. After receiving a coded transmission from Crosshair warning of the Empire’s continued interest in Clone Force 99 and data showing he was being held prisoner, the squad made a plan to infiltrate an Imperial summit seeking intel on the Advanced Science Division.

But their plans went awry. A rebel operative named Saw Gerrera detonated explosives around the Tarkin family compound on Eriadu, trapping the Batch on the rail line. Tech rebooted the power to their connected cable cars, but enemy fire threatened to pull both cars from the tracks and left Tech dangling from a repelling line. Despite Wrecker’s attempts to reach his friend, Tech was lost and Wrecker and the surviving members of Clone Force 99 were injured. Recuperating on Ord Mantell, Wrecker was briefly imprisoned when Cid sold the Batch out to the Empire. With help from Echo, Wrecker and Hunter were able to escape. But during the fray, Omega gave herself up to save her brothers.

For months, Wrecker and Hunter scoured the galaxy for clues to Mount Tantiss, crossing the Pykes and working jobs for criminal elements like the Durand family in a desperate quest to gain intel to lead them back to their sister. A lead to Setron dead-ended in an abandoned Imperial medical facility, but they were able to rescue three young clone cadets who had been left behind. After happily reuniting with Omega on Ryloth’s moon, Wrecker was the second to accept Crosshair back into the fold, giving him back his old Clone Force 99 armor. But the Empire was not about to give up on tracking Omega, sending their elite Clone X assassins to bombard the squad on Teth. But with some help from Fennec Shand, Wrecker and his brothers hoped to secure intel that might lead to Omega’s safety.