Tantive IV
Both Bail Organa and his adopted daughter Leia used this Alderaanian starship on public missions for the Senate and secret ones for the Alliance. Leia became famous for mercy missions undertaken aboard the Tantive IV, but the Empire suspected her altruistic acts were cover for treasonous activities. After the Tantive IV intercepted rebel transmissions of the Death Star plans at Scarif, Darth Vader captured the blockade runner above Tatooine. A generation later, Leia reclaimed her ship. It was destroyed at the Battle of Exegol.
- Length: 126.68m

After the rebels' stunning theft of the Death Star plans, the schematics were transferred to the Tantive IV and into the hands of Princess Leia. Soon thereafter, Vader captured the ship, determined to find them. Leia, however, his the plans in astromech droid, with instructions to deliver the plans to Obi-Wan Kenobi on Tatooine.

The Tantive IV was scheduled for destruction, but decades after the Battle of Yavin a former Imperial senator found the old ship discarded in a hangar and presented it to Leia as a gift. Brought back into service with the Resistance, the ship took part in the climactic Battle of Exegol, piloted by Nien Nunb. It was brought down by Darth Sidious and destroyed..