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Shaak Ti Biography Gallery
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The Togruta Jedi Shaak Ti served on the Jedi Council in the last years of the Republic. During the Separatist Crisis, she was part of the Jedi strike team that traveled to Geonosis to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Naboo Senator Padmé Amidala.
During the Clone Wars, Ti supervised the training of clone cadets on Kamino, working with the bounty hunters Bric and El-Les. She tried to ease some of the cruelties of the training process, insisting that the clones be treated with compassion.
But Ti could be tough. When the cadets Echo and Fives requested a transfer out of Domino Squad, the Jedi Master sternly told them they were trying to solve their problems as individuals instead of by working as a unit.
Separatist forces led by General Grievous and Asajj Ventress attacked Kamino, trying to stop the production of clone troopers. Ti assured Kaminoan Prime Minister Lama Su that the Jedi would defend the planet.
Watching the battle unfold above Kamino, Ti noticed that Grievous appeared to be sacrificing transports to protect his command ship. A suspicious Obi-Wan discovered that debris plummeting into Kamino’s seas contained hidden assault craft.
As Grievous, Ventress and battle droids fought a running battle with clones in Tipoca City, Ti ignited her lightsaber and defended the command center against the Separatist attackers.
After Tup killed his Jedi General during a combat mission, the clone trooper was taken to Kamino for evaluation by the Kaminoan scientist Nala Se. Ti assured Rex and ARC trooper Fives that their comrade would be in good hands.
Nala Se decided the best course of action was to terminate Tup and examine the cadaver, a plan Ti rejected. When she told the Kaminoan that the clones’ care was the responsibility of the Jedi Order, Nala Se countered that their genetic makeup was Kaminoan property. The two agreed to consult with their respective superiors.
The Jedi Council told Ti to bring Tup to Coruscant for examination. Before she could do so, Fives and a medical droid found a tumor in Tup’s brain. The droid removed it, but the stress of the operation killed the clone. Clones arrested Fives, and arrangements were made to bring Tup’s body to the Republic Medical Facility on Coruscant.
Distrusting the Kaminoans, Fives asked Ti if he could join the trip to Coruscant. Ti refused, telling Fives that after one more examination he’d be returning to the 501st Legion. But Ti had her own suspicions about Nala Se, and sternly informed the Kaminoan that the tumor would be brought to the Jedi Temple before being turned over to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.
After learning that he was scheduled to have his brain wiped, Fives escaped from his clone guards and fled with medical droid AZI-3. Learning of this new crisis, Ti ordered the clones to bring Fives in – alive.
Ti found Fives holding a blaster on Nala Se – and the ARC trooper had a strange story to tell. He said Tup’s tumor was an implanted bio-chip that had malfunctioned – and all the clones had such a chip, implanted while they were embryos. Fives demanded that all chips be removed from the clones – as AZI-3 had removed his own. A troubled Ti decided to take Fives with her to Coruscant.
At Coruscant’s Republic Medical Facility, Ti gave the chips – Tup’s degraded one and Fives’ healthy one – to Palpatine. Seemingly intrigued by the strange tale, Palpatine asked Ti and Nala Se to leave the room so the ARC trooper could speak with him freely.
Ti agreed, but responded to sounds of fighting. She found the Supreme Chancellor’s guards fallen and Fives standing over the Republic’s leader with a blaster. Ti used the Force to shove Fives away as a shocked Palpatine said the clone had tried to kill him.
Ti pursued Fives, but the ARC trooper escaped from the facility and fled into the vast metropolis of Coruscant. Anakin Skywalker teamed up with Rex to find Fives, hoping the fugitive trooper would trust them.
Fives died, but not before he told Rex that the clones were part of a vast conspiracy and their brains could be controlled by others. Meeting with the Jedi, Palpatine expressed remorse at Fives’ death and told the Jedi that his scientists had discovered a parasitic infection was to blame for the clones’ odd behavior. Ti accepted this explanation, unaware that Fives’ bizarre tale was the truth.
Shaak Ti Biography Gallery
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