Scout Troopers
Scout troopers were lightly armored compared with other stormtroopers, which allowed them to move more quickly and easily in a range of environments. They were also trained for more independence and adaptability than most Imperial troops. The Empire used scout troopers for a range of missions, including reconnaissance and infiltration. On Endor, scout troopers riding speeder bikes patrolled the forests, guarding against threats to the shield generator protecting the second Death Star during its construction in orbit above the moon.

Scout troopers were often used during Imperial occupations, such as the Empire’s presence on Ryloth. When Captain Slavin tracked down freedom fighter Cham Syndulla, scout troopers gave chase on speeder bikes, almost killing the military legend. Later, recovered scout trooper armor would prove pivotal in rebels gaining entrance to Imperial headquarters on the planet.
Look, over there, stop him!" RETURN OF THE JEDI
Look, over there, stop him!"
“Freeze! Come on, get up!” RETURN OF THE JEDI
“Freeze! Come on, get up!”
“Go for help! Go!” RETURN OF THE JEDI
“Go for help! Go!”