Riyo Chuchi
Once a young and idealistic representative to Pantora in the Republic's Galactic Senate, Riyo Chuchi overcame her timidity, growing into a strong leader who once forced the Trade Federation into lifting a blockade over her home planet. After the rise of the Empire, Chuchi continues to uphold her beliefs in a fair and just government, forming an alliance with Bail Organa of Alderaan. When she learns that the devastation on Kamino was caused by Imperial fire, she will risk everything to expose the traitorous Vice Admiral Rampart on the senate floor.
- Female
- Height: 1.65m

A young Pantoran, Riyo Chuchi represented her star system during the Galactic Republic’s final years. When Chuchi discovered that Pantora’s chairman, Chi Cho, was dismissing the legitimate claim of the Talz to the planet Orto Plutonia, the young Senator had to balance her loyalty to her people with her duty to uphold galactic law.

Chuchi learned a valuable lesson on Orto Plutonia, working to forge a peace with the Talz. But she had to take more direct action when the Trade Federation kidnapped the daughters of Pantora’s new chairman, Baron Papanoida, and blockaded Chuchi’s homeworld.
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Riyo Chuchi Biography Gallery
- 10 Images