The eldest of two sisters, during the Clone Wars Rafa Martez ran a galactic laundry facility she won gambling, while making her real living through illegal jobs with the denizens of the Coruscant underworld. Trusting only her sister, Trace, the two siblings learned that they could only count on each other to survive. But with the Empire now in power, Rafa's faith in her sister remains, yet she finds herself choosing a side.

While on a job running spice for the Pyke Syndicate, Rafa agreed to let her younger sister, Trace, come along when her other choice of ship and pilot fell through. But after picking up the goods on Kessel, Trace made a rash decision fearing her ship would be taken from her, and landed both sisters and Ahsoka Tano in prison.

In a cell on Oba Diah, Trace and Rafa revealed the genesis of their misgivings about the Jedi, defenders of the Republic. On the hunt for Ziro the Hutt, some Jedi had chased the gangster all the way down to Level 1313, and the Martez sisters' parents were killed, their home destroyed. After that day, they knew they couldn't trust anyone but each other.

But after they watched Ahsoka sacrifice herself and remain imprisoned by the Pykes so they could escape, Trace and Rafa concocted a new plan to rescue their friend, no longer convinced that they only had each other to trust.