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Padmé Amidala Biography Gallery
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Padmé Naberrie was born to humble parents, and was identified early as one of Naboo's best and brightest. She devoted herself to civic duty, and was elected Queen of Naboo at age 14. Padmé adopted Amidala as her name in office.
During the Trade Federation siege of Naboo, the scheming Neimoidians tried to force the strong-willed Amidala to sign a treaty that would legitimize their illegal occupation. Amidala refused, and escaped their capture with the help of Jedi ambassadors, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
While fleeing blockaded Naboo, the Queen's ship was damaged and needed to set down on Tatooine for repairs. Curious about the planet, Amidala ventured into the city of Mos Espa disguised as a handmaiden. She met a young slave boy, Anakin Skywalker, who was fascinated by Padmé. She found the boy odd but charming.
When she finally arrived on Coruscant, Amidala witnessed firsthand the problems of politics. She pleaded for the Senate to rescue her planet, but Trade Federation officials tied up her request in bureaucratic procedure. Following advice from her friend, Senator Palpatine, Amidala called for a sweeping change in the Republic government.
Fed up with the Senate, Amidala returned to Naboo. She requested aid from the native Gungans in battling the invaders. When she kneeled before the proud Gungan leader, Boss Nass, she healed the rift between the two cultures borne of misunderstanding and ignorance.
During the Battle of Naboo, Amidala infiltrated her own palace, and forced Neimoidian Viceroy Nute Gunray to end the occupation. The cowardly Neimoidians, having their armies defeated, surrendered and freedom was brought back to Naboo.
When her term as Queen ended, Amidala stepped down from office, but continued to serve her planet as its Galactic Senator. Former Senator Palpatine was now Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, thanks in part to the political upheaval caused by the Trade Federation invasion of Naboo.
With the rise of a Separatist movement that threatened the stability of the Republic, Amidala was one of the few Senators pushing for a peaceful resolution to the crisis. She led the opposition against the Military Creation Act that would have raised an army to defend against the Separatists.
Amidala's starship suffered a deadly attack when it arrived on Coruscant. Amidala believed that it was Count Dooku, leader of the Separatists, behind the attack. Later that night, a bounty hunter tried to kill Padmé in her sleep with poisonous kouhun creatures.
At the request of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, Amidala was placed under the protection of the Jedi Knights. She was once again reunited with Obi-Wan Kenobi and his apprentice Anakin Skywalker, whom she had not seen in a decade. Anakin had grown into a handsome young man, and a powerful Jedi apprentice.
At the request of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, Amidala was placed under the protection of the Jedi Knights. She was once again reunited with Obi-Wan Kenobi and his apprentice Anakin Skywalker, whom she had not seen in a decade. Anakin had grown into a handsome young man, and a powerful Jedi apprentice.
Anakin suffered from terrible nightmares of his mother in danger, which prompted him to return home to Tatooine. He found his dying mother, and lashed out in vengeance against the Tusken Raiders that had tortured her. When he returned to Padmé, he confessed his actions, and collapsed with shame and despair over what he had done. Padmé saw the wounded, sobbing youth, and let her compassion guide her heart as she comforted him.
Shortly thereafter, Anakin and Padmé voyaged to Geonosis, to rescue Obi-Wan who had been captured by Separatist forces. Padmé hoped to negotiate with the Separatists, but she and Anakin instead found themselves dodging the deadly machinery of a dangerous droid factory.
Padmé and Anakin were captured by the Geonosians and sentenced to execution. Padmé then professed her love to Anakin. They were placed in an execution arena alongside Obi-Wan, where three deadly beasts were unleashed upon them, much to the delight of the Geonosian spectators. Though sustaining a glancing slash from a ferocious nexu, Padmé held her own, disappointing her would-be executioners.
The arrival of Jedi reinforcements cut the execution spectacle short, launching the opening battle of the Clone Wars. Despite her initial objections to a Republic army, Padmé nonetheless fought alongside the newly created clone troopers against the Separatist droid forces.
After the Battle of Geonosis, Anakin escorted Padmé back to Naboo. There, at a secluded lake retreat, the same place where their forbidden love began to blossom, the two were quietly wed in a secret ceremony.
Despite requests by Anakin and even Chancellor Palpatine for Amidala to avoid danger in the Clone Wars, she nonetheless voyaged to trouble spots to seek out peaceful solutions to the growing conflict. She was essential in exposing gangster Ziro the Hutt's plan in conspiring with the Separatists to make the Republic and Hutts enemies.
The war became especially personal for Padmé when her old family friend, Onaconda Farr, sided with the Separatists in a desperate effort to bring his planet much needed supplies. Padmé journeyed to Rodia to plead for Senator Farr to remain loyal. The treachery of Nute Gunray, who imprisoned Padmé, snapped Farr back to his senses.
While investigating reports of suspicious Separatist activity on Naboo, Padmé and Jar Jar Binks discovered a secret laboratory in the swamps. The deranged scientist Doctor Nuvo Vindi was attempting to resurrect the deadly Blue Shadow Virus for the Separatists to use as a biological weapon. Padmé was infected by a sample, but she was cured in time.
When the Jedi Council suspected the InterGalactic Banking Clan of having direct ties to the Separatists, they recruited Padmé to investigate her colleague, Senator Rush Clovis of Scipio. Anakin joined her on this mission to Cato Neimoidia, and was especially uncomfortable since Clovis was a former lover of Padmé. Amidala's snooping uncovered the construction of a secret Separatist war factory on Geonosis.
Padmé was targeted for death when she gave a stirring speech on Alderaan decrying the suffering caused by the war. The assassin was not political however -- Aurra Sing was hired by Ziro the Hutt to kill Padmé in revenge. Ahsoka Tano's visions of the assassination attempt gave Padmé just enough warning to escape death.
Eager to end the war, Padmé broke Republic laws to travel to the Separatist capital world of Raxus with Ahsoka Tano as her Jedi guard. Before the war, Padmé had been friends with Senator Mina Bonteri, who now sided with the Separatists. She met with her old mentor, and Bonteri agreed to present a bid for peace to the Separatist Parliament.
Corporate war profiteers derailed this plan, sabotaging the Coruscant power network and making it look like the Separatists did it. A terrified Senate voted to increase funding to the clone army, even if it bankrupted the Republic. Padmé made an impassioned plea to focus instead on helping the Republic's people, rather than spend more on the war.
When the focus of the war concentrated in the Outer Rim, far from Coruscant, Padmé saw very little of Anakin. By the time the Outer Rim Sieges ended, Padmé had stunning news to deliver to Anakin -- he was to be a father. Anakin was plagued with nightmares of Padmé dying during childbirth. He could not stand to lose Padmé, and would do anything to keep her with him.
The war years saw a transformation of the Republic. To better manage the battle against the Separatists across the galaxy, Chancellor Palpatine obtained more power. A small group of Senators grew increasingly wary of Palpatine's policies. Padmé was one of this secret group that discussed ways of stopping the Chancellor. Her doubts about the Republic troubled Anakin. To his ears, she was starting to sound like a Separatist.
Padmé, like the rest of the Republic, was unaware that Chancellor Palpatine was a Sith Lord. He lured Anakin to the dark side, turning him into Darth Vader. It was Obi-Wan who revealed the truth to Padmé. Padmé was stunned. She traveled to Mustafar to confront Anakin. Unbeknownst to her, Obi-Wan Kenobi stowed away aboard her ship.
Padmé could not reason with Anakin. In his twisted perception, he had done all of his wicked deeds to improve the galaxy. When Skywalker witnessed Obi-Wan emerging from Padmé's starship, he jumped to the worst of conclusions: he believed his wife had brought his former mentor to Mustafar to kill him. Anakin raised his hand and caught Padmé in a telekinetic chokehold. Padmé gasped for breath as life began to escape from her.
Padmé never knew what had become of Anakin. She was rushed to a medical facility on Polis Massa, where she gave birth to twins Luke and Leia. She never saw the damage Anakin suffered from Kenobi's blade or the lava of Mustafar. She still felt there was good within him. With her dying breath, she tried to convince Obi-Wan of this.
Amidala's body was returned to Naboo. At a state funeral, thousands of Naboo citizens came to pay their respects to their beloved representative. The fact that her children survived -- and that they were twins -- was kept secret to all but a select few.
Padmé Amidala Biography Gallery
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