Nien Nunb
A native of Sullust, Nien Nunb was a smuggler who fought for both the Rebel Alliance and the Resistance during his long career. An expert pilot, he served as Lando Calrissian’s co-pilot aboard the Millennium Falcon during the Battle of Endor, flew an X-wing in the raid on Starkiller Base and survived the First Order’s assault on Crait. He was then killed fighting for freedom at Exegol.
Height: 1.6m

A skilled and happy-go-lucky Sullustan smuggler, Nien Nunb helped the Rebel Alliance in its fight against the Empire, joining Princess Leia on dangerous missions aboard his star yacht, the Mellcrawler.

Nien then served as Lando Calrissian’s co-pilot in the attack on the second Death Star at Endor, helping the Alliance win a critical victory against the Empire.

Nien served the New Republic in many battles against the Empire, and years later was still part of the fight, having joined Leia Organa’s Resistance. The veteran pilot was part of the starfighter assault on Starkiller Base, and flew a ski speeder in the desperate defense of Crait. He piloted the venerable Tantive IV during the Resistance raid on Exegol.
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