Mother Aniseya
Mother Aniseya is the leader of a mysterious coven of witches on Brendok who value their independence and the preservation of their beliefs and powers. Knowledgeable in the arcane ways of the Force, Aniseya possesses the ability to enchant a Jedi and transform her physical being into a mystical cloud of black smoke.
Height: 1.75m

A wise leader who could infiltrate the minds of others and was powerful in The Force, Mother Aniseya and her coven of witches possessed great skill. Either by magic or other means, Aniseya impregnated Mother Koril with The Twins, Osha and Mae, and the girls were raised to become the next generation of leaders for their community.

But on the world of Brendok where they made their home, the witches were discovered by four visiting Jedi. Aniseya enchanted the Padawan Torbin when the Jedi interrupted their sacred Ascension ceremony. After begrudgingly allowing her daughters to be tested for Force sensitivity, Mother Aniseya wrestled with the decision to let her daughter, Osha, join the Jedi Order. Ultimately, she supported her daughter’s wishes. But before she could give her blessing, the Jedi returned to the fortress and the coven went on the defensive. Amid the chaos, Mae set fire to the bedroom she shared with her twin, then ran to her mother for help. As Aniseya shifted her form into a black smoke enveloping her frightened offspring, she was struck down by the blue blade of a Jedi’s lightsaber.