Mon Mothma
From working in secret as one of the founders of the Rebel Alliance to openly leading the New Republic as the first elected Chancellor in two decades, Mon Mothma of Chandrila has built a career out of carefully navigating the dangerous shadows of Coruscant politics in her efforts to restore democracy. Once a leader of the Galactic Senate's Loyalist faction, as a senator Mon Mothma opposed Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's policies during the final days of the Republic. After the rise of the Empire, Mothma continues to serve her constituents on Coruscant while working on her ultimate goal: building an Alliance to Restore the Republic.
- Female
- Height: 1.5m
- Human

In the last years of the Galactic Republic, Mon Mothma represented Chandrila in the Senate. Though a Loyalist Senator, Mothma worried about Supreme Chancellor Palpatine’s accumulation of power and the militarization of the Republic.

Mothma allied herself with like-minded Senators such as Alderaan’s Bail Organa, Rodia’s Onaconda Farr and Naboo’s Padmé Amidala. But their efforts to curb Palpatine’s powers proved largely in vain.

In the final months of the Clone Wars, Mothma and Bail Organa laid the groundwork for resistance to Palpatine’s rule, fearing that he would refuse to give up the emergency powers granted during the fight against the Separatists. Palpatine ultimately declared himself Emperor, and Mothma remained in the Imperial Senate, but worked in secret with Organa and other operatives including Luthen Rael and her cousin, Vel Sartha, to unite rebel factions into an Alliance to Restore the Republic.

Unfortunately, Mothma had little support for her work from her colleagues and her immediate family. Her teenage daughter, Leida, preferred Chandrilan traditions to Coruscant politics. Her husband by arranged marriage, Perrin Fertha, enjoyed the amenities of being a senator’s spouse but did little else to support Mothma. When she became aware that she was being monitored by the Imperial Security Bureau, the pragmatic senator exploited Perrin’s past gambling troubles to throw the Empire off the trail of her efforts to fund the Rebellion, secretly working with her old friend Tay Kolma.

Mon Mothma became a public enemy of the Empire following her outspoken public condemnation of Palpatine. It was her final act as senator, but also her first act in truly organizing a rebellion. Shortly after, the Ghost crew escorted Mothma to a secret location; there, she put out a call for other rebel cells to join her. A flurry of ships came to her signal, and the Rebel Alliance was born.

In the years ahead, Mothma would shepherd the Rebel Alliance from a secret base on Yavin 4. But the need to strike strongly against the Empire became urgent when the Alliance learned of an Imperial superweapon. Mothma tasked Jyn Erso, daughter of Death Star weapons architect Galen Erso, to contact extremist rebel Saw Gerrera, as well as her father, in an effort to discover a weakness in the battle station. Ultimately, the leading council of the Rebellion would vote not to attempt a covert operation to secure the plans; Erso, with a small band of rebels, took matters into their own hands and went to Scarif, home of the Imperial data center that housed the Death Star schematics. When Mothma discovered this deception, she did not block it. Instead, she readied the rebel fleet to support Erso and receive the data transmission, resulting in the plans coming into the care of Princess Leia Organa.

In rapid succession, the Emperor disbanded the Senate and Mothma's ally, Bail Organa died when the Death Star destroyed Alderaan. Mothma went into hiding, serving as the political leader of the Rebel Alliance. But after waging a five-year Civil War to restore the democratic ideals, the Imperials were defeated and Mothma was elected Chancellor of the New Republic.