Maarva Andor
In her younger days, Maarva Andor and her husband, Clem, made salvage runs to scattered worlds, scavenging unclaimed technology to bring back to their home on Ferrix. Part of the grueling cycle of mechanical salvage, refurbishment, and resale that keeps the planet's economy afloat, Maarva has long since retired from hard labor, but remains a beloved figure in the community. A member of the Daughters of Ferrix, Maarva is revered for the sharpness of her mind and firmness of her spirit. Despite the years and her failing health, she has a strong independent streak in her, something she shares with her adopted son, Cassian.

Resourceful salvagers, Maarva and Clem traveled to the restricted planet of Kenari to search for any usable parts. Maarva insisted on exploring a downed Republic cruiser despite Clem’s misgivings. On board they found something they didn’t expect: a scared and confused boy named Kassa. Maarva decided that he would be safer with them than at the mercy of the authorities, so she tranquilized him and carried him back to their ship. Maarva forged official records to change his identity to Cassian Jeron Andor from the planet Fest. They lived together as a family until Clem was killed by Imperial clone troopers.

Many years later, Cassian came home to Ferrix when he went on the run from Pre-Mor authorities. Maarva discovered her son was in trouble and couldn’t hide her anger. The two argued. Tipped off by a local, Pre-Mor security forces arrived at her home shortly afterward to look for Cassian. They attempted to strong-arm Maarva for his whereabouts, but she hadn’t lost her moxie. She sat calmly as their raid spiraled out of control on the streets outside and her son escaped their clutches.

After a successful heist on the planet Aldhani, Cassian returned home to settle his debts and take Maarva away with him to someplace warm. But she refused his offer. Not only was Ferrix her home, Maarva felt a responsibility to stand up and join the rebellion against the Empire. Ironically, Cassian was arrested by the Empire on trumped-up charges unrelated to the Aldhani robbery. He was sent to prison on Narkina 5, although Maarva still had no idea where he’d gone. But she continued to dream of rebellion. She took a tumble while attempting to open a tunnel under the Imperial barracks so any rebels could sneak in later. Cassian’s kindhearted friends Brasso and Bix Caleen, caring for her in his place, rushed to her side when they heard about her fall.

Brasso and the Daughters of Ferrix, a local social club, did their best to keep her warm and comfortable, but Maarva ultimately succumbed to illness. B2EMO, the family droid and her constant companion, was devastated. But he had one final duty to finish for her.

At her funeral, B2EMO broadcast a hologram of the eulogy Maarva recorded herself. She spoke to the people of Ferrix, laying bare her thoughts and feelings for her community to hear. She urged them to wake up from their complacency and do what she couldn’t: fight the Empire. Her stirring speech roused the people and they rose up against the Imperial troops. Her last words also reached Cassian, who had escaped prison and returned home as he’d promised. Maarva Carassi Andor became the rebel hero she had long dreamed of being, and inspired her son more than she would ever know.