Lothal is a diverse planet, with both farmland and a city center. During the age of the Empire, it fell under Imperial occupation, as farmers were kicked off their land and enormous TIE fighter and weapons factories were built. While most of the population felt powerless in the face of Imperial rule, a select few dared to fight back.
- Temperate
- Plains

Lothal’s citizens initially welcomed the Empire’s arrival on Lothal, as the Empire’s investments seemed to promise a boom for the remote Outer Rim world. But some Lothalites soon had second thoughts. As it had done on many other worlds, the Empire restricted the citizens’ freedom, enforcing its will with stormtroopers and TIE fighters. And the industry brought to Lothal wreaked havoc on the planet, with mines and industrial plants marring its grasslands.
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Lothal History Gallery
- 15 Images