A self-made droid built from astromech and protocol parts, L3-37 is an enlightened navigator who cares deeply about droid rights. Her ability to connect directly with the Millennium Falcon’s navicomputer lets the freighter plot faster routes than those traveled by more cautious ships. L3-37’s habit of speaking her mind and her relentless advocacy for mechanicals can alienate organic beings.

A pilot droid who built herself out of a mix of astromech and protocol droid parts, L3-37 flew the Millennium Falcon alongside the freighter’s captain, Lando Calrissian. L3-37 knew Lando would be lost without her vast navigational database, and teased him about everything from his piloting skills to his lack of support for droid rights. She was initially miffed at Lando’s decision to join the Beckett gang’s risky raid on Kessel – as usual, Lando hadn’t bothered to consult her.

But once on the ground at the mining colony, the self-made droid found her true calling. From a computer terminal, L3-37 assisted with the infiltration of the vault while spurring a revolution, freeing the beings who toiled below the surface and the enslaved droids who maintained the facility from above.

During the revolt, L3-37 was irrevocably damaged in the crossfire and torn apart, meeting her end aboard the Millennium Falcon after Lando leaped to her rescue and pulled what remained of his partner to safety. But Lando extracted her neural core, uploading her extensive knowledge of maps and star systems into the ship's computer, allowing the droid to live on in a new form.
"You couldn't get from here to Black Spire without me, now you're gonna make the Kessel Run?" SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY
"You couldn't get from here to Black Spire without me, now you're gonna make the Kessel Run?"
"You done flirting? I'm still ready." SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY
"You done flirting? I'm still ready."
"Follow me, compatriots!" SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY
"Follow me, compatriots!"
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