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Jar Jar Binks Biography Gallery
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An outcast, Jar Jar spent his time in the Naboo swampland, surviving on raw shellfish or just about anything else he could find in the bogs. Jar Jar's fate took a twist when the hapless Gungan encountered a pair of Jedi as they eluded enemy forces during the Trade Federation invasion of Naboo.
By Gungan tradition, Jar Jar found himself indebted to Qui-Gon Jinn for saving his life. Jar Jar guided the Jedi to the underwater city of Otoh Gunga, where they secured transport to the Naboo capital of Theed. Jar Jar braved the "nocombackie law" to present Qui-Gon to the Gungan leader, Boss Nass, even though he risked the consequence of being "pounded" to death.
Queen Amidala requested that Jar Jar make contact with the Gungans. With Jar Jar's help, the Naboo and the Gungans forged an alliance that liberated the besieged world of Naboo. During the ground battle against the mechanized armies of the Trade Federation, Jar Jar was made a general in the Gungan Grand Army. After the battle, Jar Jar continued to ascend in Gungan society, putting his awkward past as an outcast behind him.
Jar Jar eventually became a Senior Representative for Naboo, serving in the Galactic Senate. While his compassion spoke volumes of the quality of his character, his inherent gullibility and trusting nature were easily exploited by the less scrupulous in the field of politics. For many, Jar Jar was but a joke, but he stood as a rare example of a non-corrupt politician interested only in the greater good of the Republic and his people.
After several botched assassination attempts on Senator Amidala forced her to flee the capital, Jar Jar served in her absence. The Gungan politician was there, in Palpatine's office, when it became apparent that desperate measures would be required to stop a Separatist force determined to start a war with the Republic.
Jar Jar took the initiative and proposed the motion granting emergency powers to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine -- a move that would have profound impact on the Galactic Republic.
During the Clone Wars, the Jedi Council dispatches Senator Bail Organa and Representative Jar Jar Binks to the planet Toydaria, where they are to convince the neutral regent, King Katuunko, to send aid to Ryloth. Katuunko follows his conscience and secretly aids the Republic, which Jar Jar is able to keep secret from the snooping Trade Federation agents with his inimitable distractions.
Senator Padmé Amidala, Representative Jar Jar Binks and protocol droid C-3PO travel to the planet Rodia on a diplomatic mission to restore the planet's faith in the Republic, which has neglected Rodia's plea for help against incessant pirate attacks on its supply lines. Unknown to the party, the Trade Federation has already made a deal to protect Rodia, and take Padmé prisoner.
Discovering Padmé has been taken prisoner, Jar Jar uses a Jedi cloak to disguise himself for a rescue attempt. He scales the tower in which Padmé is being held but falls into the swamp below, gulped down by a huge Kwazel Maw -- a turn of good luck, since the strong creature seemed peaceful, and Jar Jar proclaimed the helpful beast his new friend.
Re-engaging the Separatists, Jar Jar appeared in full Jedi robes and ordered the senator released. Droidekas opened fire on Jar Jar, but the Kwazel Maw erupted through the floor and began trashing droids left and right as it flailed about on dry land. Jar Jar rode the beast through the battle. Republic destroyers soon appeared and took the Separatists -- including Viceroy Nute Gunray -- prisoner.
Jar Jar arrived at Florrum as a junior diplomatic representative to deliver Republic spice as ransom to Weequay pirates, who had captured Count Dooku. The shuttle carrying Jar Jar and the spice was shot down by the pirates, however, who hoped to steal the spice and keep their hostage. With only Jar Jar and a handful of clones surviving the crash, the Gungan took charge by leading the clones through the treacherous desert flats.
To go after the spice, Jar Jar had the idea of chasing the pirates on skalders -- four-legged burly creatures with thick hides -- which could run full bore through the desert flats due to a heightened sense of knowing when dangerous acid geysers would explode. The skalders caught up with the thieves and the clones opened fire. They blasted the bike hauling the crates, knocking the ransom free.
A group of pirate repulsortanks was sent out to recover the spice, and Jar Jar was taken prisoner aboard one of the tanks. Jar Jar clumsily bumped into a Weequay driver, sending the tank skidding askew and slamming into another vehicle. Taking advantage of this distraction, the clones charged against the tanks. The pirates blasted the tank Jar Jar was on, sending the Gungan flying, but the clones rushed in to take the Weequays prisoner.
Investigating a new battle droid presence on Naboo, Padmé Amidala and Jar Jar Binks stumbled on a Separatist plot to hatch the Blue Shadow Virus, a deadly plague wiped from the galaxy generations ago. With the help of Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and several clones, the plot was foiled and the diabolical mastermind behind the Separatist plot -- Dr. Nuvo Vindi -- was captured.
With Republic forces bogged down in the fight for Mon Cala, Yoda turned to the Gungans for help. Jar Jar convinced his fellow Gungans to come to the aid of Padmé and the Mon Calamari people.
The Gungans prepared an army and arrived at Mon Cala on a Republic cruiser, diving into the planet’s seas to confront the Separatists. But Jar Jar was captured – along with Anakin and Padmé – in a Separatist counterattack.
After the shark-toothed Separatist warlord Riff Tamson bit a hole in Padmé’s helmet, Jar Jar saved his old friend from drowning with a well-aimed loogie – a bit of “Gungan waterproofin’.”
Following the Battle of Mon Cala, the Republic received disturbing reports that the Gungans planned to join the Separatists in an attack on Naboo’s capital of Theed. Anakin and Padmé met with Jar Jar, who confirmed that Boss Lyonie had been blaming the Gungans’ problems on the Naboo.
Anakin discovered that Lyonie’s aide, Rish Loo, was manipulating the Gungan boss through a strange necklace. With his plot revealed, Loo stabbed Boss Lyonie and fled Otoh Gunga.
While Boss Lyonie recovered from his injuries, Jar Jar took advantage of his strong resemblance to the Gungan leader, donning Lyonie’s ceremonial garments to address the Gungan army.
Jar Jar cancelled the attack on Theed, calling it a terrible mistake and denouncing Loo – who once again fled before he could be apprehended. When General Grievous arrived to lead the Gungan army, he found himself fighting the Gungans instead.
When Bardotta’s Queen Julia contacted the Republic for help investigating the mysterious disappearance of her planet’s spiritual leaders, she had a special request for Supreme Chancellor Palpatine: send Jar Jar Binks as an ambassador. The Republic agreed, but insisted on sending Mace Windu as well. That angered the Bardottans, who distrusted the Jedi Order.
Julia greeted her old friend joyously, eager to rekindle their romance, but then told him she had discovered a terrible plot directed at the planet’s Dagoyan Masters. While Jar Jar and Mace discussed the Republic mission, the queen disappeared.
Julia’s ministers told Jar jar and Mace that a secret cult on Bardotta was seeking to plunge the galaxy into darkness. Trying to rescue the queen, Jar Jar and Mace got separated, and the Gungan was attacked by a masked figure who blew dust into his face. The dust made Jar Jar vanish.
When the spell faded, Jar Jar found himself a captive of the Frangawl cult, imprisoned along with Queen Julia. Mace Windu arrived to save the queen, and he and Jar Jar battled the cultists. But the Frangawl adepts spirited Julia into a starship and fled.
Jar Jar and Mace tracked Julia’s captors to Zardossa Stix, where the Frangawl cult planned to transfer the living Force from the queen to their mysterious Great Mother. The Gungan and Jedi had to fight cultists and savage gundarks sent to stop them.
The Frangawl cult’s Great Mother was the Nightsister matriarch Mother Talzin, who had learned a secret ritual that could make her the most powerful being in the galaxy. Mace and Jar Jar raced across the desert to the Temple of Malmourral, hoping to save Julia and stop Talzin.
In the nick of time, Mace and Jar Jar foiled the Frangawl plot, ruining Talzin’s plans. Jar Jar and Julia were reunited, and the Bardottan queen looked forward to a new beginning for her people and the Jedi.
After Padmé Amidala's tragic death giving birth to twins Luke and Leia on Polis Massa, Jar Jar joined her funeral procession on Naboo, their shared homeworld.
Jar Jar Binks Biography Gallery
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