Desert Skiff
The Bantha-II cargo skiff was a common repulsor-based transport outside the Republic (and later the Empire.) They were extremely durable making them an austere choice for desert climes and perfect transports for passengers, cargo, or slaves for the Hutt Crime Syndicate or the slave traders of Zygerria. They were little more than floating platforms, and easily identified by their rust coloring, reinforced bows, and intermittent guard-rails around the perimeter. They came equipped with planks, making them the preferred execution conveyance for the vile gangster Jabba the Hutt, who loved to drop his enemies into pits full of monsters. Shortly before his untimely demise, Jabba forced Luke Skywalker to walk a skiff’s plank over the Great Pit of Carkoon. That was the last mistake he ever made.
- The Hutt Crime Syndicate
- Length: 9.5m