Death Watch
The warrior clans of Mandalore were believed to have been wiped out ages ago, their tattered remnants exiled to the Concordia moon. But as the Clone Wars swept the galaxy, the treacherous governor Pre Vizsla resurrected the Mandalorians, and with them, their legendary combat armor that was feared across the galaxy. Backed by Count Dooku and the Separatists, Vizsla began building an army to retake Mandalore from the control of pacifists who were trying to bury violent Mandalore's past. As the coup became inopportune, Dooku abandoned the Death Watch. The warriors wandered the galaxy for a time, then helped conquer Mandalore as part of Darth Maul’s Shadow Collective. Maul then became Death Watch’s leader when he killed Pre Vizsla.
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Mandalore had supposedly renounced its violent past, exiling the unrepentant warriors to die on the moon Concordia. But the Republic discovered that Mandalorian warriors were once again active in the galaxy – and Obi-Wan Kenobi uncovered a conspiracy by the terrorist group Death Watch to overthrow the pacifist Duchess Satine.

The secret leader of Death Watch, Concordia’s Governor Pre Vizsla, had allied himself with Count Dooku – but chafed at the Separatist leader’s insistence that his group wait to attack Satine. The alliance splintered, and Death Watch became a band of nomadic brigands, despoiling planets such as Carlac.

Death Watch’s success began with its discovery of an escape pod containing two nearly frozen Sith warriors, Darth Maul and Savage Opress. Maul convinced Vizsla to commit his warriors to an alliance of criminal organizations known as the Shadow Collective.

The Shadow Collective conquered Mandalore, with Vizsla replacing Satine as the planet’s ruler. But his triumph was short-lived. Maul dueled him for leadership of Death Watch, killing him and taking over the group. This coup was resisted by Bo-Katan’s Nite Owls, whose followers battled Maul’s for control of Mandalore.
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Death Watch History Gallery
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“We are the Death Watch, descendents of the true warrior faith all Mandalorians once knew.” THE CLONE WARS
“We are the Death Watch, descendents of the true warrior faith all Mandalorians once knew.”
“They idolize violence and the warrior ways of the past." THE CLONE WARS
“They idolize violence and the warrior ways of the past."
“For generations my ancestors fought proudly as warriors against the Jedi.” THE CLONE WARS
“For generations my ancestors fought proudly as warriors against the Jedi.”