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Darth Vader Biography Gallery
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As a new Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader was key in helping Emperor Palpatine destroy the Jedi Knights. Vader dueled with his former Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and suffered severe injuries. He nearly burned to death in the flames of the volcanic planet Mustafar. Vader's shattered body was sustained by specially built armor and breathing apparatus.
Vader served as Palpatine’s enforcer as the Empire ruthlessly asserted its control of more and more star systems. He often served as the Emperor’s emissary, with his mere presence terrifying those who had incurred Palpatine’s wrath. Sometimes, though, Vader dispensed Imperial justice firsthand. When Palpatine engineered a trap to draw out the Free Ryloth movement, Vader fought alongside his master with his lightsaber and the dark side of the Force.
With the Empire seeking to tamp down dissent, Vader sent agents such as the feared Inquisitor to destroy fugitive Jedi and young Force-sensitive beings who might one day inspire rebellion against the Imperial war machine. When the Inquisitor failed to quell Jedi-led resistance on Lothal, Vader was sent there himself to restore order.
Vader returned to his Star Destroyer, which tracked the fleeing Alderaanian ship to Tatooine, intercepting it above the planet. After his troops stormed the craft, Vader confronted Princess Leia Organa, an Imperial senator and noted rebel, and took her to the Death Star for interrogation.
The successful rescue of Princess Leia brought Vader into contact once more with his onetime mentor, Obi-Wan. After another fateful lightsaber duel, Vader emerged victorious. Kenobi allowed himself to be struck down by his former student, and his body disappeared as he became one with the Force.
When Rebel starfighters attacked the Death Star, Vader boarded his modified TIE fighter to join the battle. The Dark Lord concentrated on a Rebel pilot who was strong with the Force. Seemingly from nowhere, a blast caught Vader's ship and sent it spinning into space as the Rebel pilot's proton torpedoes found their mark and destroyed the Death Star.
The Empire discovered that it was Luke Skywalker -- the son of Anakin Skywalker -- who destroyed the Death Star. The Emperor knew that Luke must be powerful in the Force, so he ordered Vader to seek out and destroy the young Rebel. Vader, however, had other plans. He wanted to corrupt Skywalker to the dark side.
Using Imperial probe droids, Vader eventually tracked down the Alliance's new base on the ice planet Hoth. Despite the invasion of Imperial forces, a fleet commander's ineptitude made it possible for much of the Rebel force to escape.
Vader hired bounty hunters to help track down and capture Princess Leia and Han Solo, and he used them as bait to lure young Skywalker to Cloud City on Bespin.
Luke Skywalker had begun training as a Jedi Knight, and engaged Vader in an intense lightsaber battle. The Dark Lord overpowered the youth and severed his hand. Vader then revealed himself to Luke, telling him "I am your father," and attempted to recruit Luke to the dark side. Young Skywalker preferred death to treachery, and leaped into the city's reactor shaft.
Skywalker survived, and Vader and the Emperor still sought to corrupt him. The Emperor wanted Vader to bring Skywalker before him, so he could be turned to the dark side. Despite Vader's seeming loyalty to the Emperor, Palpatine wanted to replace his servant with a new apprentice, while Vader plotted to overthrow the Emperor so he could rule the galaxy with his son.
In the end, Luke surrendered himself to Vader on the forest moon of Endor. Brought before the Emperor and Vader, Luke appealed to his father, trying to reach the bit of Anakin he was sure remained inside.
Appealing to the hate and conflict within him, Darth Sidious goaded Luke into attacking. Vader defended the Emperor and he and Luke were locked in mortal combat. Luke lost control of his anger, viciously attacking Vader, finally beating him down and chopping off his hand with his lightsaber.
Despite slipping close to the dark side, Luke refused to surrender to the Emperor. Palpatine nearly killed Luke with blasts of blue Force-lightning. Suddenly, Vader grabbed the Emperor, lifted him into the air, and threw him down the shaft of the battle station's power core.
Vader knew he was dying and asked his son to remove his helmet so he could look at Luke with his own eyes for the first and last time. His darkness illuminated by the love of his son, Vader died as Anakin Skywalker.
Darth Vader Biography Gallery
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