Commander Pyre
An ominous figure in gleaming gold stormtrooper armor, Commander Pyre leads the tenacious First Order forces on a mission to find a pair of refugee children on the Colossus platform.
The First Order

A cunning tactical operative for the First Order, Commander Pyre worked to convince Captain Doza to relinquish control over the Colossus platform by instigating pirate raids. After Torra Doza was kidnapped by the pirate gang, and the First Order betrayed the alliance to appear as if they had heroically saved the young racer, stormtroopers were permitted to increase patrols on the platform under the guise of heightened security. Working as Captain Phasma's enforcer on the platform, Pyre helped maintain the First Order's stranglehold on its civilians and completed an investigation that led to the attempted arrest of Kazuda Xiono and Jarek Yeager. Although the two escaped capture, Pyre and Agent Tierny were able to arrest Tam Ryvora, leading her onto a First Order ship after convincing her that she'd been betrayed by her friends.

During his quest to eliminate Kaz and the Colossus, Commander Pyre found the Resistance spy onboard the Titan refueling station, having snuck aboard to steal a valuable part to keep the Colossus running. The incident suggested the Resistance was getting desperate, and he and Agent Tierny remained hopeful that with Tam's help, they would soon have the Colossus in their grip.