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Clone Commander Wolffe Biography Gallery
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Commander Wolffe served alongside General Plo Koon aboard the flagship Triumphant while seeking any clues to General Grievous' mysterious new superweapon, the Malevolence. The devastating weapon proved to be an ion cannon-equipped warship that could cripple multiple Jedi cruisers with a single blast.
When the Triumphant was caught in the blast of the Malevolence's terrible primary cannon, the ship's systems shut down. Left defenseless, the warship was blasted to pieces. Commander Wolffe, Master Plo and troopers Sinker and Boost escaped in a life pod.
The life pod was running low on air and hunted by battle droids that scoured the debris field for any survivors. Equipped with their armor, troopers Sinker and Boost were able to defend the pod in the cold vacuum of space, while Wolffe stayed aboard and broadcast a distress signal. Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano saved the pod aboard their freighter, Twilight, and Wolffe was treated by their medical droid.
Some time later, after having lost his eye on the battlefield, Commander Wolffe led the space attack against Separatist forces blockading Felucia. His assault opened a gap in the blockade that allowed Master Plo Koon to fly reinforcements to help extract Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, who were nearly overrun on the planet below.
When Master Eeth Koth was kidnapped by General Grievous, it was Commander Wolffe who spotted a clue left by the Jedi Master as to his whereabouts. Grievous broadcast a gloating holographic transmission that included the captive Koth. Koth used surreptitious hand signals to tell the Jedi Council where he was being held captive.
When Anakin Skywalker and Mace Windu were trapped in the crashed wreckage of the Jedi cruiser Endurance on the planet Vanqor, Commander Wolffe was part of the rescue team. Master Plo received a distress call relayed by R2-D2, and mobilized his troops to save the Jedi from the crumbling crash-site.
Commander Wolffe again served as part of a rescue / extraction mission undertaken by Master Plo Koon, but this time to the planet Lola Sayu. A Jedi team had escaped from the Citadel prison facility with vital military intelligence. Master Plo brought an extraction gunship into enemy territory with Commander Wolffe aboard.
Wolffe served on the ground on Felucia during a battle led by Plo Koon and Anakin Skywalker to challenge General Grievous. Wolffe led his squad of jetpack equipped troopers into the Felucian jungles, following Master Plo's command.
Wolffe’s duties weren’t limited to frontline assignments. After quakes devastated the Mid Rim planet of Aleen, Wolffe and his crew were diverted there to deliver badly needed relief supplies and restore damaged infrastructure.
Wolffe completed the Aleen mission, though he had trouble hiding his impatience at being away from the battlefield – and the presence of a chatty protocol droid did little to improve his mood.
Wolffe and his troopers fought alongside Plo when the Republic raided Kadavo to free Togruta colonists kidnapped by Zygerrian slavers. They used their ascension cables to evacuate the colonists from a slave-processing facility.
After Ahsoka Tano was accused of killing a witness to a bombing at the Jedi Temple, Wolffe and his troopers pursued the Padawan through Coruscant’s treacherous underlevels, discovering her in league with Asajj Ventress. After a tense standoff, Ahsoka and Ventress escaped.
The fugitive Padawan didn’t stay free for long – the Wolfpack stayed on her tail, and Wolffe himself brought Ahsoka down with a stun blast.
Near the end of the Clone Wars, Plo and Wolffe tracked a distress signal to a forlorn moon of Oba Diah, where they discovered a crashed Jedi shuttle – and the lightsaber belonged to the long-dead Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas.
Years after the end of the Clone Wars, Wolffe spent his retirement aboard a modified AT-TE with his fellow clones Captain Rex and Commander Gregor. On one fateful day Wolffe was disturbed by the appearance of the Jedi Kanan Jarrus and his crew looking for assistance. Unnerved by the Jedi’s lightsaber, Wolffe drew his blaster in defense thinking Kanan was seeking revenge.
The more level-headed Rex convinced Wolffe to drop his weapon since these newcomers were not the ones that betrayed them. The Ghost crew came to request the clones’ help –- and when Rex turned down their offer to fight alongside the rebels, they asked for something else in return.
Ezra proposed the clones provide the Ghost crew with a list of secret locations in the Outer Rim that could be used for their base. Wolffe was not keen on the idea of helping the crew go against the Empire and feared that it would put his squad in danger.
Wolffe went along with Gregor’s plan to use Zeb as bait to catch a joopa and drove the modified AT-TE. Though it wasn’t long after that Sabine discovered Wolffe had contacted the Empire about the rebels’ existence on Seelos.
Wolffe told Rex that he did it to protect the squad but after Rex talked sense into him, Wolffe agreed that the rebels are not the enemy and he shouldn’t have betrayed them. It was unfortunately too late. A probe droid had already made its way to the walker.
Clone Commander Wolffe Biography Gallery
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