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Chewbacca Biography Gallery
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During the Clone Wars, Chewbacca was captured by a band of Trandoshan game hunters and brought to the moon of Wasskah. There, the immense, furry Wookiee aided in the escape of a group of Jedi younglings and Ahsoka Tano, which led to a long friendship with the Jedi.
Chewbacca and Ahsoka led the youngling assault on the airborne Trandoshan hunting lodge, putting an end to the capture of innocents for the purpose of hunting for sport. A transmitter built by Chewie called in Wookiee reinforcements that saved the day, and rescued those stranded on the moon.
Chewbacca, along with Tarfful and Jedi Master Yoda, commanded the joined forces of the Wookiees and Republic Army's 41st Elite Clone Trooper Corps during the Battle of Kashyyyk in the final days of the Clone Wars.
Following the execution of Order 66, Chewbacca helped Yoda elude the clone troopers and escape Kashyyyk.
After the Clone Wars, the Empire occupied Kashyyyk, breaking up tribes and families and using Wookiees as slave labor. Chewbacca was separated from his people, became a fugitive, and was betrayed by a bounty hunter. He wound up in Imperial captivity on Mimban, shackled in a makeshift prison and tormented by soldiers who called him “the Beast.” One day, the Imperials threw a young deserter, Han Solo, into the muddy pit with the Wookiee.
After brief fisticuffs, Han and Chewie agreed to work together to escape -- an encounter that marked the beginning of their long friendship. Fleeing the Empire, they found a ride off Mimban with Tobias Beckett’s gang of ship thieves.
Chewbacca and Han signed on for the Beckett gang’s next job: stealing a shipment of coaxium from an Imperial conveyex on Vandor. Chewie and Han fought side by side atop the speeding train, but the coaxium was lost, leaving Beckett’s gang in debt to the dangerous Crimson Dawn crime syndicate.
To make things right with Crimson Dawn, Han proposed a daring raid to steal coaxium from Kessel. Chewie joined his new friend on the mission, during which they met a dashing rogue named Lando Calrissian and traveled aboard his ship, the Millennium Falcon. After the Kessel raid, Han won the Falcon from Lando in a game of sabacc. He and Chewie became smugglers, making the freighter their home.
Years later, while looking for safe passage to Alderaan, Obi-Wan Kenobi met Chewbacca in the Mos Eisley Cantina on Tatooine. Chewie introduced Obi-Wan and his young companion, Luke Skywalker, to Han Solo, captain of the Millennium Falcon. Chewie was first-mate aboard the ship, and Solo's loyal companion.
When the Falcon was captured by the Death Star, Chewbacca posed as an Imperial prisoner to help Han Solo and Luke Skywalker rescue Princess Leia from her prison cell. Together the group managed to escape the Death Star and journey to the secret Rebel Alliance base on Yavin 4.
Chewbacca and Han Solo initially chose not to get involved with the Alliance, instead deciding to take their reward money and leave before the Rebel's strike on the Death Star.
In the final seconds of the Death Star assault, Luke Skywalker's X-wing was in Darth Vader's sights and the fate of the Alliance seemed sealed. Just then the Millennium Falcon, piloted by Han Solo and Chewbacca, came out of nowhere to place a glancing blow on Darth Vader's TIE fighter, knocking him off course and allowing Luke the extra time he needed to launch the proton torpedo that destroyed the Death Star.
In addition to being an excellent pilot, Chewbacca was also known for his skills in starship repair. While with the Rebel Alliance at their hidden base on the ice world of Hoth, Chewbacca spent time repairing the Millennium Falcon. Unfortunately, he was unable to finish his work due to the Imperial invasion.
While trying to escape the Imperial fleet over Hoth, Han Solo and Chewbacca discovered that the hyperspace on the Millennium Falcon was not functioning and were forced to set down in an asteroid cave for repairs. The cave turned out to be the gullet of a giant space slug.
The Falcon limped to the nearby planet of Bespin, where the haven of Cloud City proved to be an Imperial trap. Captured by Darth Vader on Bespin, Han Solo was to be frozen in carbonite as test for the eventual freezing of Luke Skywalker. Han entrusted Chewbacca with taking care of Princess Leia.
Chewbacca and Leia, along with Lando Calrissian and Luke Skywaker, we unable to rescue Han from the bounty hunter, Boba Fett, but managed to escape Cloud City and begin their plans for a rescue mission.
In order to save Han Solo from the clutches of the gangster Jabba the Hutt on Tatooine, Chewbacca was inserted into Jabba's palace when Princess Leia, posing as the bounty hunter Boushh, took the Wookiee to Jabba as a prisoner.
Jabba the Hutt ordered that Chewbacca, along with Luke and Han, be fed to the Sarlacc in the Great Pit of Carkoon. Together with Lando, who was disguised as one of Jabba's guards, they managed to defeat Jabba's thugs. Chewbacca protected Han, who was blind with hibernation sickness from being frozen in carbonite.
Chewbacca volunteered to co-pilot a stolen Imperial shuttle that would bring a strike team of Rebel commandos to the forest moon of Endor to knock out the shield generator that was protecting the Death Star orbiting the planet.
Chewie was at home amid the giant trees of the Endor woods. He swung the tide of the ground battle on Endor when he, with the help of two Ewoks, hijacked an Imperial AT-ST and turned it against the Empire. Victory in this battle allowed the Alliance to destroy the Death Star and defeat the Emperor
After the Battle of Endor, Han and Chewie heroically served the New Republic, with Han and Leia having a son, Ben. But Ben fell prey to the dark side of the Force, leaving his parents estranged. And the two smugglers’ luck turned bad as well: they lost the Millennium Falcon, searching endlessly for the freighter as they pursued questionable business deals in other ships. When the two smugglers finally located their lost ship, it seemed their fortunes had turned.
Han and Chewie quickly concluded the young stowaways they’d found aboard the Falcon were harmless. But they soon had bigger problems: both the Guavian Death Gang and Kanjiklub’s thugs had located their bulk freighter, the Eravana, and were determined to collect on longstanding debts.
Han tried to talk his way out of the trouble, but he’d made one excuse too many for either of the gangs’ liking. Han and Chewie were saved when Rey released all the doors aboard the Eravana, but matters had gone from bad to worse. The two smugglers were transporting deadly rathtars, which were now loose on the ship.
Amid the chaos, Han and Chewie fled with Finn, Rey and BB-8, escaping the embattled Eravana aboard the Falcon. Chewbacca sustained a blaster wound in the fighting, which Finn tended to as the Falcon raced for Takodana, the site of Maz Kanata’s castle.
On Takodana, Chewie witnessed the destruction of Hosnian Prime by a First Order superweapon. The Wookiee and his friends soon found themselves fighting stormtroopers searching for BB-8 – and led by Kylo Ren.
Chewie and Han were saved from capture by the arrival of Resistance forces led by Leia, who embraced the Wookiee for the first time in years. Chewie stood loyally nearby as Han told Leia that he’d seen their lost son.
When Han agreed to lead a mission to infiltrate the First Order’s Starkiller Base, Chewie agreed to accompany his partner – as always, he would do whatever he could to keep the headstrong Corellian safe.
Accompanied by Han and Finn, Chewie sneaked into the First Order base. They overpowered Captain Phasma, leader of the facility’s stormtroopers. When Phasma lowered the base’s shields, Resistance starfighters attacked.
Han and Chewie wired the base with explosives, but were intercepted by Kylo Ren, the former Ben Solo. Father and son confronted each other – and Kylo ran Han through with his saber. An enraged Chewie then blasted him, wounding the dark side warrior.
Chewie was heartbroken by Han’s death – but he and his friends were still in danger. He fled Starkiller Base aboard the Falcon with Finn and Rey just before the planet exploded.
By joining BB-8’s star map with information in R2-D2’s memory banks, the Resistance discovered where Luke Skywalker had sought exile. Chewie, Rey and R2-D2 departed D’Qar aboard the Falcon, hoping to return home with the long-lost Jedi. As a gesture of friendship and trust, Chewbacca offered Rey Han’s old spot flying the freighter.
On distant Ahch-To, Chewie was reunited with Luke, though he was puzzled and angry when the Jedi Master refused to return with him and Rey.
Chewie waited aboard the Falcon, tending to the freighter’s accumulated malfunctions as Rey sought to learn the ways of the Force. The Wookiee formed an unlikely new friendship, bonding with chubby avians called porgs that inhabited the island.
Chewbacca brought Rey to the Supremacy in an effort to turn Kylo Ren away from the dark side, launching her into space inside one of the Falcon’s escape pods. The Wookiee then met up with her after she fled the First Order flagship in Snoke’s escape craft.
With the Resistance trapped on Crait, Chewie and Rey rushed to the rescue, arriving in time to turn the Falcon’s guns on the First Order’s TIE fighters. With an eager porg contributing war cries, they destroyed the fighters. The Wookiee then helped Rey lead the surviving Resistance soldiers to safety.
Chewbacca remained with his friends while the Resistance rebuilt its forces after Crait, and served as the Falcon’s co-pilot on a mission to the Sinta Glacier Colony to obtain intel from a spy within the First Order. On the way to Sinta, he passed the time by thrashing Poe and Finn at dejarik.
Chewie accompanied Rey, Poe and Finn to Pasaana to hunt for a Sith wayfinder that could allow the Resistance to reach Exegol, where the resurrected Emperor Palpatine commanded a massive Sith armada. Chewie did his best to blend in with the crowd at the Festival of Ancestors, but Wookiees stand out in a crowd.
And, indeed, Chewbacca was spotted. But that turned out to be a good thing – he was reunited with Lando Calrissian, who’d sought a more peaceful life on Pasaana after a personal tragedy.
Unfortunately, the First Order was on the Falcon’s trail. The Knights of Ren captured Chewbacca and delivered him to First Order stormtroopers, who brought him to a Star Destroyer for interrogation.
Poe and Finn rescued Chewie above Kijimi, but it looked like the Wookiee’s freedom would be short-lived: stormtroopers swarmed the three and disarmed them. They escaped with help from an unlikely source: General Hux, who revealed he was the spy who’d fed information to the Resistance.
With their mission having seemingly failed, Chewbacca returned to Ajan Kloss, where he learned Leia had died. Chewie had lost another dear friend, and was inconsolable.
But Chewie had no time for his sorrows – the Resistance had to keep Palpatine’s Sith armada from escaping Exegol, and it was badly outgunned. Chewbacca joined Lando Calrissian on a mission to recruit ordinary galactic citizens to join the fight. The two arrived at Exegol leading a ragtag but huge citizens’ fleet that overwhelmed the Sith.
And, indeed, Chewbacca was spotted. But that turned out to be a good thing – he was reunited with Lando Calrissian, who’d sought a more peaceful life on Pasaana after a personal tragedy.
Chewbacca Biography Gallery
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