Captain Phasma
Clad in distinctive armor of salvaged chromium, Captain Phasma commands the First Order’s legions of stormtroopers. A tough veteran commander, she has no use for fancy titles or complex war rooms, preferring to lead her troops in battle against the First Order’s enemies. A determined survivor, Phasma betrayed the First Order on Starkiller Base. She managed to conceal her treachery, but fell in battle against Finn, one of her former soldiers.
- Female
- Height: 2.0m
- Human

The First Order has taken an interest in the Colossus, utilizing pirates to test the platform's defenses, in a plot that reaches Captain Phasma herself.

During the time of the rise of the First Order, Captain Phasma took a personal interest in keeping the organization's secrets. When she discovered Resistance spies Poe Dameron and Kazuda Xiono had infiltrated an abandoned dedlanite mine, she saw to the destruction of the facility personally.

Phasma served as one of the First Order’s commanding triumvirate, though she sometimes clashed with both the technocratic General Hux and the mysterious Kylo Ren. She worked tirelessly to make the First Order’s stormtroopers the galaxy’s finest soldiers, searching for any sign of weakness or disobedience in the ranks.

Ambushed on Starkiller Base, Phasma agreed to lower the weapon’s shields, and was dropped into a trash compactor by Finn and Han Solo. She soon escaped, and ruthlessly eliminated all traces of her betrayal. Returning to the ranks, she prepared the Supremacy’s troops for a final, climactic battle with the Resistance. That battle, however, unfolded without Phasma: she fell in battle against the former FN-2187, whom she’d helped train as a stormtrooper.
© 2015 Disney
Captain Phasma Biography Gallery
- 10 Images
"On my command." The Force Awakens
"On my command."
"You're making a big mistake." The Force Awakens
"You're making a big mistake."
"FN-2187. So good to have you back." The Last Jedi
"FN-2187. So good to have you back."