Cad Bane
A ruthless bounty hunter from the planet Duro, Cad Bane was the preeminent blaster-for-hire in the galaxy at the time of the Clone Wars and after the conflict ended. Using an impressive arsenal of weapons and allies, the cold, cruel, and calculating Bane would literally track his prey to the ends of the galaxy if required. Bane carried custom twin blaster pistols, gauntlets studded with control devices, a concealed bola, explosives, integrated breathing apparatus, and rocket boots, ensuring that he was always well prepared for any situation that may arise.
- Duro
- Male
- Height: 1.85m
- Blaster Pistol
- Flame Thrower
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Cad Bane Biography Gallery
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"Cad Bane at your service. I'll take on any job... for the right price." THE CLONE WARS
"Cad Bane at your service. I'll take on any job... for the right price."
“I’m your worst nightmare, pal.” THE CLONE WARS
“I’m your worst nightmare, pal.”
“I’m in control. I make the rules now.” THE CLONE WARS
“I’m in control. I make the rules now.”

Cad Bane’s fearsome reputation made him one of the galaxy’s most infamous bounty hunters, but during the Clone Wars he pulled off some truly audacious jobs for Darth Sidious. Bane stole a holocron from the heart of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, battled Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano when they were sent to stop him, and then used the information inside the holocron to kidnap Force-sensitive children for the Sith.

Bane also worked for the Hutts, and showed that no mission too tough for him – provided the price was right. When the Hutts hired him to break Ziro the Hutt out of prison, Bane gathered a rogue’s gallery of bounty hunters and mercenaries and invaded the Senate building, taking several Senators hostage and negotiating with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine for Ziro’s release.

Bane allowed himself to be captured and imprisoned on Coruscant so he could free Moralo Eval, the creator of a fiendish testing ground on Serenno known as the Box. Bane proved himself in the Box and supplanted Eval as the leader of a team of hunters sent to Naboo by Count Dooku to assassinate Palpatine – with a disguised Obi-Wan Kenobi trying desperately to stop him.

After the fall of the Republic, Cad Bane continued to find work. Notably, he was hired by the Kaminoans to retrieve the clone called Omega from Clone Force 99 and later put his skills to use capturing Force-sensitive children for the Empire, like young Bayrn.