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Boss Nass Biography Gallery
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A decade before the Clone Wars, Boss Nass served as leader of Naboo’s Gungans, conducting business from the underwater city of Otoh Gunga. Nass resented the human settlers of Naboo because of what he saw as their high-handed treatment of the Gungans.
After the Trade Federation invaded Naboo, the Gungan exile Jar Jar Binks brought two Jedi Knights – Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi – before the Rep Council. Nass gave them a transport to get them through Naboo’s planet core, but refused their entreaties that he help the Naboo. Nass thought the Gungans would be safe in Otoh Gunga, unaffected by what happened in the surface world.
As for Jar Jar, he had violated Otoh Gunga’s harsh nocombackie law and would be punished – by being pounded to death. When Qui-Gon protested that Jar Jar owed him a life debt, Nass sent the troublesome Gungan away with the two outsiders.
Nass was wrong about the droids – they drove the Gungans from their city, forcing them to seek refuge in the swamps. When Padmé Amidala returned from Coruscant to fight the Trade Federation, Jar Jar brought her to the Gungan Sacred Place, where his people had hidden from the droids.
Nass blamed the Naboo for the invasion, but Amidala surprised him by dropping to one knee and begging the Gungans for help. Nass was impressed by this show of humility, and agreed to join the fight.
Despite his exasperating ways, Jar Jar had brought the Gungans and the Naboo together. Nass rewarded him by appointing him as a general in the Gungan army – a promotion that left Jar Jar alarmed rather than pleased.
The alliance between the Naboo and the Gungans helped defeat the Trade Federation. Nass joined Amidala for a grand celebration in Theed, happily proclaiming a new era of peace between the planet’s peoples.
Nass would eventually yield his role as Gungan leader, but he never forgot his friendship with Amidala. After her death, he joined the solemn funeral procession wending through the streets of Theed.
Boss Nass Biography Gallery
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