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Boba Fett Biography Gallery
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Fett was raised in isolation in the cities of Kamino, where he was protected not only from the ceaseless storms, but also the harsher elements of his father's career. Young Boba's life changed when a tenacious Jedi Knight, Obi-Wan Kenobi, came looking for his father.
Sent to apprehend Jango Fett for the attempted assassination of a Naboo Senator, Obi-Wan Kenobi brawled with the bounty hunter as the Fetts sought to escape from Kamino. Young Boba helped his father by pinning the Jedi down with explosive laser fire from the Fett starship, Slave I.
On Geonosis, a huge battle erupted as Jedi reinforcements stormed in to free their fellow Jedi who were being held captive by Count Dooku. Jango, in the employ of Dooku, entered the fray and was killed by Jedi Master Mace Windu. Boba was shocked to witness his father's swift death, and he quietly cradled Jango's empty helmet as Geonosis erupted into all-out war.
During the Clone Wars, Boba snuck aboard the Republic cruiser Endurance under the guise of a clone cadet named "Lucky." There, he found Mace Windu, the object of his intense vendetta. Fett ultimately failed to kill Windu after planting an explosive in the Jedi Knight's quarters.
At the insistence of his accomplice and mentor Aurra Sing, Boba reluctantly abandoned his fellow cadets in an escape pod, leaving them to die in space. Sing hoped to collect Separatist bounties on any Jedi that could be taken down with the destruction of Endurance, and the clone cadets became unfortunate living witnesses.
Boba's explosive sabotage of the Endurance sent the massive ship crashing into the surface of Vanqor. Aurra Sing, Boba, and a bounty hunter named Castas combed the unstable wreckage, hoping to find evidence of Mace Windu's death. Boba even used Jango's helmet, rigged with a bomb, as a trap for Windu, but the Jedi survived.
On the planet Florrum, Boba and Aurra Sing were confronted by Jedi Plo Koon and Ahsoka in a tavern. Boba Fett threw a bomb into the fray, allowing Sing to escape. Sing ran away, and Boba tried to follow, but Plo Koon Force-pulled him back. To Fett's shock, Aurra kept running, leaving him behind.
Boba Fett and accomplice Bossk were marched into a Republic prison on Coruscant for the destruction of Endurance, attempted assassination of her crew, and the taking of hostages. Fett was unrepentant. The shackled boy saw Mace Windu, and said he will never forgive the Jedi.
During the time of the Empire, Boba Fett emerged as the preeminent bounty hunter of the galaxy. Boba Fett's armor, like his father's, was a battered weapon-covered spacesuit equipped with a rocketpack. His gauntlets contained a flamethrower and a whipcord lanyard launcher. His kneepads concealed rocket dart launchers. Several ominous braids dangled from his shoulder -- trophies from fallen prey -- that underscored the hunter's lethality.
Shortly after the Battle of Hoth, Darth Vader desperately wanted to capture the fugitive Rebel craft, the Millennium Falcon. To that end, he hired a motley assortment of bounty hunters, including the legendary Fett. Vader specifically pointed out to Fett that the Falcon's passengers were to be taken alive. "No disintegrations," rumbled the Dark Lord, obviously familiar with Fett's reputation.
Perhaps learning from a tactic employed by Obi-Wan Kenobi in the asteroid field over Geonosis, Boba Fett rightly anticipated a similar maneuver by Han Solo, who had cunningly hidden the Falcon under the noses of the Imperials by attaching it to the back of a Star Destroyer. When the Empire's ship dumped its garbage, the Falcon simply floated away with it undetected -- except by Boba Fett, of course.
Tracking the Falcon to Bespin, Fett and Vader arrived at the gas planet ahead of Solo and crew to spring a trap. Fett, a shrewd negotiator, received a bounty for capturing the crew and was given custody of Han Solo, who was wanted by the vile gangster Jabba the Hutt.
Whisking the carbonite-frozen form of Han Solo away from Bespin, Fett eventually arrived on Tatooine to collect the reward on Solo from Jabba, his some-time employer. Fett stayed at Jabba's palace, and was present when Solo's friends attempted to rescue the carbon-frozen smuggler.
Failing to escape from Jabba's stronghold and sentenced to death at Tatooine's dreaded Pit of Carkoon, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and others made a final break-out attempt, forcing Fett to enter the fray over the gaping maw of the Sarlacc. He was quickly knocked out of the fight, however, when Solo wildly swung a vibro-ax into the bounty hunter's rocketpack, sending him soaring out of control and into the Sarlacc's mouth.
Boba Fett Biography Gallery
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