Bix Caleen
On the world of Ferrix, Bix Caleen gets by through her ingenuity, running a successful business pulling apart old tech scraps and selling the parts. Fearless and bold, Bix is a risk taker with no love for the Empire and a fierce loyalty for her friends, including Cassian Andor.

As a scrapyard owner on Ferrix, Bix refurbished and bartered castoff technology and parts. Her line of work occasionally brought illegal salvage her way, which she shrewdly sold to a mysterious buyer. When her old friend Cassian Andor asked for her help moving a stolen Imperial Starpath unit, she called the anonymous buyer.

Caleen’s partner Timm Karlo, jealous of how close she was with Andor, reported Cassian to Pre-Mor authorities hunting a suspect matching his description. When Pre-Mor security arrived on Ferrix in force, they injured Bix and killed Karlo while Andor and the buyer made their escape.

But her problems were just beginning. The Imperial Security Bureau soon took an interest in Ferrix. Caleen’s hidden radio signal led them to Salman Paak, the owner of Repaak Salyard, who gave them her name. Bix was captured and tortured by the ISB, and she ultimately broke. She told the ISB everything she knew about Andor and the buyer. But when Cassian returned for his mother’s funeral, he was able to rescue Bix from the Empire’s clutches. She escaped the planet alongside B2EMO, Brasso, and Salman’s son, Wilmon.