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Biggs Darklighter Biography Slideshow
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After graduating from the Imperial Academy, Biggs returned home to Tatooine for a visit. At Tosche Station, he swapped tales with his old friends, including his best friend from boyhood, Luke Skywalker.
Luke claimed he'd seen a battle in the skies above Tatooine. But peering through Luke's macrobinoculars, Biggs was skeptical -- the two ships were just sitting there.
Luke boasted to Biggs about his latest exploits racing skyhoppers through Tatooine's treacherous Beggar's Canyon. Biggs listened in amused patience, then warned his friend to be careful not to crash into a canyon wall.
Biggs had something else to tell Luke during his visit home. Leaning close, he told his old friend an enormous secret: He planned to defect from the Empire, serving the Rebel Alliance as a starfighter pilot.
The two friends parted ways, with Biggs promising to keep an eye out for Luke -- perhaps one day they'd be reunited. But Biggs had no idea how soon he'd be proved correct.
Biggs joined the Rebellion and was sent to the Rebel base at Yavin 4. To his amazement, he caught sight of a familiar face among the Rebel pilots preparing for the assault on the Death Star. His old friend Luke's adventures had also brought him to Yavin 4.
Red Leader wondered if Luke could handle himself behind the stick of a powerful X-wing fighter. But Biggs stuck up for his friend, assuring his squad leader that Luke was the best bush pilot in the Outer Rim Territories.
Biggs worried about Luke during the chaotic space battle above the Death Star -- the Rebel X-wings had to navigate turbolaser fire while battling TIE fighters sent to destroy them. But the two Tatooine flyboys were up to the challenge.
Biggs guarded Luke's flank as they raced down the trench towards the Death Star's thermal exhaust port. Biggs worried Luke wouldn't be able to pull out in time, but Luke told him not to worry. It would be just like Beggar's Canyon back home.
As the X-wings hurtled down the trench, Darth Vader and his wingmen were closing in on the Rebel starfighters. Trapped in the trench with no room to maneuver, Biggs was unable to avoid Vader's guns. He died serving the cause he believed in.
Biggs Darklighter Biography Slideshow
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