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Bib Fortuna Biography Gallery
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During the last years of the Republic, the Twi’lek Bib Fortuna served Jabba the Hutt as majordomo, controlling access to the Outer Rim gangster. Fortuna was a fixture by Jabba’s side, whispering intelligence about new arrivals. He had simpler duties as well, such as waking up Jabba from his frequent naps.
Serving a galactic crimelord required Fortuna to meet all manner of unsavory, frightening underworld figures: Syndicate bosses, cold-hearted bounty hunters and vicious thugs all found their way to Jabba’s palace on Tatooine. But perhaps no visitor was more intimidating than Darth Vader, who arrived at the palace shortly after the Battle of Yavin.
When C-3PO and R2-D2 arrived at Jabba’s palace, Fortuna greeted them coolly, becoming more interested when he learned the droids had a gift for his master. But Fortuna failed to get his hands on the promised present – the droids had been instructed only to give it to Jabba himself.
Fortuna reluctantly brought the mechanical duo to his master, where they delivered a message from Luke Skywalker, a self-styled Jedi Knight seeking to strike a deal for the life of his friend Han Solo, now entombed in carbonite. Jabba refused to bargain, though he was happy to accept Skywalker’s gift -- the two droids.
Later, the Ubese bounty hunter Boushh arrived with Solo’s co-pilot, Chewbacca the Wookiee, as his apparent prisoner. Boushh’s aggressive negotiating style won Jabba’s respect. He paid the bounty on Chewbacca, then had Fortuna take him to the dungeons.
Boushh turned out to be Princess Leia in disguise, but Jabba wasn’t fooled – he allowed the princess to free Solo from the carbonite before revealing himself, Fortuna and the rest of his court. Han was hauled off to prison and Leia was forced to don a slave girl’s skimpy outfit.
Jabba told Fortuna not to admit Skywalker when he came for Solo, and the Twi’lek majordomo intercepted him when he arrived. But the Jedi Knight barely broke stride, somehow forcing the Hutt’s Gamorrean guards to give way and telling Fortuna to take him to Jabba now.
Fortuna didn’t take orders from outsiders, let alone ones Jabba had refused to see. But something in Skywalker’s voice made it difficult for the Twi’lek to think clearly. He obediently led the Jedi into the throne room where Jabba was waiting.
When Skywalker insisted he be allowed to speak, Fortuna repeated this to Jabba, earning himself a shove off the Hutt’s dais. Skywalker had used a Jedi mind trick to compel the hapless majordomo’s assistance.
Bib Fortuna Biography Gallery
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