Bib Fortuna
As the former majordomo to the late Jabba the Hutt, the scheming Bib Fortuna seized power after his master's demise and attempted to control the criminal underworld on Tatooine. For decades, those attempting to do business with Jabba the Hutt first needed to maneuver past the Twi'lek, an ever-present attendant who often hovered near Jabba's ear, offering advice and feeding his boss information. Fortuna followed the rules of protocol in the Hutt's court (such as they were), and spoke only in Huttese, though he understood other tongues.
- Male
- Height: 1.8m

The Twi’lek majordomo Bib Fortuna served Jabba the Hutt for decades, granting visitors audiences with his master – or, sometimes, denying them that access. Fortuna’s position demanded extraordinary patience in dealing with everything from drunken thugs to haughty emissaries, with Jabba’s mercurial moods a particular hazard of the job.

Shortly before the Battle of Endor, Luke Skywalker arrived to bargain for the life of his friend Han Solo, the smuggler turned palace wall decoration. Skywalker used a Jedi mind trick to get past Fortuna and confront Jabba.
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Bib Fortuna Biography Gallery
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