Long ago, B2EMO — often called Bee-two, or more simply, Bee — was a cutting-edge groundmech salvage assist unit fresh off the assembly line. Now very old and quite weary for a droid, Bee continues to serve the Andor family, a dedicated member of the clan tasked with towing scrap and assisting in their communications.

Originally manufactured by Cybot Galactica, over the years B2EMO went from hauling salvage with Clem and Maarva Andor to becoming a quirky member of their family. Their adopted son Cassian Andor viewed the malfunctioning droid with a mixture of frustration and affection. Despite his age and struggles with power management, Bee did his best to follow whatever directions Cassian gave him. For example, when Cassian returned to Ferrix after killing two men in self-defense, he instructed Bee to cover for him. Bee was capable of lying, but it placed a significant drain on his already taxed power reserves. The eccentric droid also relayed communications to Cassian.

Docked for hours in a charging station to manage his depleted batteries, Bee spent most of his time at Maarva’s side. He often interrupted her conversations to add his own opinions. He was fond of and overprotective of both Cassian and Maarva. When Maarva passed away from illness, Bee didn’t want to be alone. The kind Jezzi kept him busy until it was time to complete an important mission. At Maarva’s funeral, B2EMO projected a pre-recorded hologram, which delivered a stirring message for the people of Ferrix. As Maarva's words incensed the crowd to fight the Empire, an enraged Imperial officer shoved the droid to the ground to stop the broadcast. Cassian's friend Pegla pulled Bee to safety when the violence escalated.

Soon after, Cassian reunited with Bee on board a dilapidated ship at Zorby's Western Shiplot. Cassian bid the droid a brief goodbye, and alongside Bix Caleen, Brasso, and young Wilmon Paak, Bee fled from the Empire.