AT-ST Walker
While not as imposing as its larger AT-AT walker cousin, the AT-ST nonetheless served as a significant addition to the Imperial side of battlefields in the Galactic Civil War. The two-man craft is lightly armed with chin-mounted laser cannons, and side-mounted weapon pods. The two-legged transport, dubbed the scout walker by many, serves as a reconnaisance and patrol vehicle, often flanking approaching AT-ATs and mopping up infantry that sneaks past the larger walkers. The Imperials used AT-STs in both the Battle of Hoth and the Battle of Endor.
- Height: 9.04m

During the Galactic Civil War, scout walkers proved effective not only as escorts for larger AT-ATs, but also as vehicles undertaking independent operations such as reconnaissance, patrols and anti-infantry missions. The AT-ST’s speed and maneuverability made it a valuable component of the Imperial arsenal.
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AT-ST Walker Biography Gallery
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