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Count Dooku Biography Gallery
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During the Separatist Crisis, the charismatic Jedi renunciate Count Dooku emerged as the political leader of the Republic’s secessionist movement. His former colleagues in the Jedi Order saw Dooku as misguided but a man of principles, and refused to believe he could be an advocate of violence and war.
They were wrong; Dooku had sworn allegiance to the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, taking the name Darth Tyranus. After Obi-Wan Kenobi’s capture on Geonosis, Dooku visited the younger Jedi – whose master, Qui-Gon Jinn, had been Dooku’s Padawan. Dooku told Obi-Wan the Republic was under the control of a Sith Lord named Darth Sidious. As he’d expected, this truth was too terrible for Obi-Wan and the Jedi to believe.
Dooku watched as the Geonosians prepared to execute Obi-Wan, Anakin Skywalker and Naboo Senator Padmé Amidala. The captives were rescued by a team of Jedi led by Dooku’s old friend Mace Windu, backed up by clone troopers brought from Geonosis by Yoda, Dooku’s former master.
As the skirmish in the Geonosian arena exploded into the first battle of the Clone Wars, Dooku retreated to a war room. There, Archduke Poggle the Lesser gave Dooku the Geonosian plans for a terrible weapon – a battle station built around a planet-killing superlaser.
With the Republic’s clones pushing the Separatist droids back, Dooku boarded a speeder bike and raced for the hidden hangar where he kept his solar sailer. There, he was intercepted by Obi-Wan and Anakin.
The count bested both Jedi in their duel, using the power of the dark side and taking advantage of young Skywalker’s impetuous nature. But before he could land a killing blow, Master Yoda entered the fray.
Not even Dooku’s Sith-enhanced powers were enough for him to defeat Yoda. He used the Force to hurl tons of rock at the helpless Anakin and Obi-Wan, fleeing when Yoda stopped to save his fellow Jedi.
Dooku returned to Coruscant, where he met with Darth Sidious. The Sith plot was going much as they’d hoped, with both sides of the war controlled by the same hand. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine (in reality Sidious himself) had been granted wartime powers; the Jedi had been pressed into an unaccustomed role as generals; and a clone army engineered by the Sith now defended the Republic.
Dooku’s most-trusted agent was his apprentice Asajj Ventress, a former Jedi turned dark-side assassin. With help from Ziro the Hutt, Dooku sent Ventress to kidnap Rotta the Huttlet, son of the crimelord Jabba the Hutt, and then framed the Jedi for the crime. The Separatists’ goal was to gain access to the Hutts’ network of secret hyperspace routes.
Anakin and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano rescued Rotta from Ventress and tried to return him to Jabba on Tatooine. Dooku intercepted Anakin in the desert and dueled with him, simultaneously impressed by how Skywalker had grown in power since Geonosis and contemptuous of his refusal to draw on his dark feelings for more power.
Dooku’s foremost battlefield commander was General Grievous, a ruthless cyborg warlord trained to use a lightsaber by the count. Dooku gave Grievous the latest Separatist weapons, such as the dreadnaught Malevolence with her twin ion cannons, but saw the cyborg as nothing more than a useful tool.
Dooku constantly tested and challenged Grievous and Asajj, just as Sidious in turn ruthlessly tested and challenged Dooku. Such was the way of the Sith: Order arose when the strong survived and prospered while the weak surrendered or were destroyed.
As the Separatists’ political leader, Dooku was a critical target in the Clone Wars. The Jedi tried repeatedly to capture him, with Anakin and Obi-Wan boarding the count’s flagship on one such mission. That attempted failed when Dooku escaped in his solar sailer.
Hit by enemy fire, Dooku’s solar sailer crashed on Vanqor and the count endured the indignity of being captured by Hondo Ohnaka’s pirate gang, his lightsaber pilfered by a light-fingered monkey lizard. Realizing the identity of his hostage, Hondo decided to sell Dooku to the Republic.
The Republic hurriedly prepared to deliver a ransom, with Anakin and Obi-Wan rushing from Vanqor to Florrum to confirm the pirates had captured Dooku. The report was true and a quick end to the Clone Wars seemed to be at hand.
Hondo, however, decided to sell Dooku to the Republic and the two Jedi to the Separatists, collecting three ransoms instead of one. Imprisoned by the pirates, Anakin, Obi-Wan and Dooku were forced to work together to escape – only to find their efforts repeatedly stymied.
When a Republic attack cut the power to the pirates’ base, Dooku slipped away in a stolen pirate ship. The Republic had lost its prize, and Hondo Ohnaka had made a dangerous enemy.
When the Republic broke the Separatist defenses around Ryloth, Dooku ordered the Twi’lek planet stripped of valuables and carpet-bombed, intending to make Ryloth’s fate a terrible object lesson about the cost of a Republic victory. His goal was thwarted by the speed of the Republic advance and the incompetence of Ryloth’s emir, the Separatist Wat Tambor.
Dooku conspired with the Death Watch leader Pre Vizsla to engineer the fall of the neutral planet of Mandalore, ruled by Duchess Satine. The Sith planned for a faked holorecording to spur a Republic intervention on Mandalore, followed by a Death Watch war of liberation that would bring the planet into the Separatist ranks. When the plot failed, Dooku ordered Vizsla to call off the invasion, enraging him.
The Sith plan for the war encountered an unexpected complication when Padmé Amidala met with her old friend, Separatist Senator Mina Bonteri, leading the Separatist Senate to seek a peace proposal with the Republic.
Dooku allowed the peace talks to proceed, alarming Republic Senators representing the Trade Federation, InterGalactic Banking Clan and Techno Union, who were reaping immense profits by double-dealing during the war. Dooku reassured the Senators that an act of sabotage was in the works that would derail any effort at peace.
An attack on Coruscant by Separatist droids was followed by a message from Dooku himself to the Republic Senate. Seemingly outraged, Dooku said Senator Bonteri had been killed in a Republic attack, and the Separatist peace offer was withdrawn. In reality, Dooku’s agents had killed Bonteri.
Wary of Ventress’s growing power, Sidious ordered Dooku to prove his allegiance by eliminating her. After initially resisting, Dooku obeyed his master.
Dooku reached Ventress in the middle of a pitched battle with Republic forces, coldly telling her she had failed him for the last time and must die. When Ventress fought her way aboard a Separatist command ship, Dooku ordered the rest of the task force to turn its guns on the craft.
Soon thereafter, assassins cloaked by sorcery attacked Dooku in his fortress on Serenno. Dooku was nearly killed, but drove the assassins away without learning that he’d been targeted by Ventress and two of her fellow Nightsisters, who’d sworn to avenge the count’s treachery.
Dathomir’s Mother Talzin, a dark-side witch of great power, then contacted Dooku with an intriguing offer: She would give him a new apprentice drawn from the ranks of Dathomir’s powerful Nightbrothers. Dooku accepted, unaware of the plot against him.
Dooku traveled to Dathomir and tried to recruit Talzin to the Separatist cause, an entreaty she rejected, saying she was only helping Dooku because he had once helped her. Soon, Talzin arrived on Serenno with the monstrous Savage Opress, whom she presented to Dooku.
Dooku tested Savage with his trademark ruthlessness, teaching the Nightbrother to unleash his true power by channeling his rage and fear. Little did Dooku know Savage was still the Nightsisters’ creature, and had been sent to destroy him.
Once Savage had proven himself, Ventress sprung her trap, attacking Dooku aboard his ship alongside the giant Nightbrother. But Savage rebelled against both of them, racing away to escape. Ventress herself was bested by Dooku and forced to flee.
Dooku’s plans for a surprise attack on Coruscant were scuttled when the Jedi General Even Piell and the Republic’s Captain Tarkin escaped from a Separatist prison commanded by Osi Sobeck, taking knowledge of secret hyperspace routes with them.
The Separatist occupation of Mon Cala also failed when Riff Tamson’s alliance with the Quarren unraveled, allowing Mon Calamari forces under Prince Lee-Char to win the day.
A Separatist plot to turn Naboo’s Gungans against the planet’s human inhabitants seemed more promising, but came undone and resulted in Grievous’s capture. Sidious ordered Dooku to find a way to free the cyborg warlord, saying he was essential to the Sith plot.
Dooku lured Anakin into a trap and overpowered the young Jedi in their latest duel. He then contacted Padmé Amidala, who agreed to an exchange of high-profile prisoners.
To acquire slaves for their war effort, the Separatists contracted with the Zygerrian slavers, ruled by Queen Miraj. When Dooku discovered Miraj had Obi-Wan in custody and was trying to seduce Anakin to her cause, he decided to execute the captive Jedi. When Miraj refused, he killed her with the Force. Anakin then attacked Dooku, but his lightsaber had been taken from him. He was defeated and forced to flee.
After Lux Bonteri discovered Dooku had been behind the assassination of his mother Mira, the boy vowed to see Dooku killed. Lux allied himself with Pre Vizsla and Death Watch, also seeking vengeance. But Lux would rethink that rash alliance, and fate had other plans for Vizsla and his warriors.
After learning of a Separatist plot to assassinate Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, the Jedi faked Obi-Wan’s death and sent him undercover as Rako Hardeen, bounty hunter. Obi-Wan proved himself in the fiendish proving ground known as the Box and was one of the hunters picked for the mission to kill Palpatine during a visit to Naboo.
The plot was foiled, but Obi-Wan discovered Dooku had been one step ahead of him, and the real trap was yet to be sprung. Dooku and his MagnaGuards ambushed Anakin and Palpatine. Obi-Wan intervened just in time, and Dooku fled without his supposed prize.
Dooku had not forgotten the treachery of Mother Talzin and the Nightsisters on behalf of Ventress, the apprentice he’d been forced to betray. He ordered Grievous to take a droid army to Dathomir and wipe the witches out.
As battle raged on Dathomir, Talzin fought back with her own magic, inflicting terrible pain on the count through her dark arts. Only Grievous’s hasty intervention saved Dooku.
Dooku had a score to settle with Hondo Ohnaka, too. He sent Grievous to Florrum to overrun the pirates, telling Ohnaka that everything he possessed was now Separatist property and would be melted down. Hondo survived the assault, but much of his base was left in ruins.
On secret Sith orders, each clone trooper created by the Kaminoans had a bio-chip implanted, ensuring their obedience to commands. The Sith plot against the Jedi and the Republic was imperiled when a clone trooper named Tup’s chip malfunctioned, causing him to kill his Jedi general. Sidious ordered Dooku to seize the aberrant clone lest the Jedi discover the true purpose of the clone army.
The Separatist attempt to capture Tup failed, and he was brought to Kamino for examination. The Kaminoans obeyed Dooku’s order to keep the bio-chips’ existence from the Jedi, but the ARC trooper Fives discovered every clone trooper had an implant and revealed this. Fortunately for Dooku and Sidious, Fives’s story sounded insane. The Jedi were convinced that the chips had been implanted to curb aggression and Tup and Fives had been victims of a parasite that altered their minds. The Sith plot remained a secret.
With Rush Clovis preparing to present evidence of connections between the InterGalactic Banking Clan and the Separatist Alliance, Dooku contacted Clovis with an alternate proposal, one that would make Clovis head of the Banking Clan.
Clovis indeed became head of the Banking Clan – and immediately found himself contacted by Dooku. The count threatened to bankrupt the organization by refusing to repay the Separatists’ loans unless Clovis charged the Republic much higher interest rates.
The higher rates sparked war fever in the Republic – just as the Sith had planned. Dooku then led a Separatist invasion of Scipio, triggering a Republic response. The crisis ended with Clovis dead and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine agreeing to take over the InterGalactic Banking Clan in the name of stability. One more galactic institution was now controlled by the Sith.
Another threat to the Sith plot emerged when the Jedi learned that Silman, a former aide to Chancellor Valorum, was imprisoned by the Pyke Syndicate on Oba Diah and might have information about the mysterious death of Sifo-Dyas, the Jedi Master who commissioned the clone army. An enraged Sidious ordered Dooku to eliminate this loose end.
The Pykes told Anakin and Obi-Wan that a man named Tyranus hired them to shoot down Sifo-Dyas’ shuttle. The Jedi Master died, but Silman survived, and the Pykes held onto him as insurance. Before the Jedi could question Silman, Dooku – identified by the Pykes as Tyranus -- arrived and Force-choked the unfortunate man to death. He then dueled with Anakin and Obi-Wan and fled. The Jedi had learned that the Sith were involved in the creation of the clone army – but concluded they were too enmeshed in the war to withdraw.
On Raxus, Dooku was confronted by a figure from his past – Asajj Ventress, working in league with the maverick Jedi Quinlan Vos. Ventress and Vos teamed up to try and kill Dooku, but he managed the separate the two would-be assassins and imprisoned Vos on Serenno, working to break him in hopes of turning him into a new apprentice.
Dooku was drawn into Darth Maul’s plot to destroy Darth Sidious and captured at Ord Mantell. Mother Talzin, trapped in spirit form since the Nightsisters’ defeat, revealed to Dooku that Sidious had promised to make her his right hand, only to steal her son Maul from her. She warned Dooku that he would be betrayed as well.
Maul took Dooku to Dathomir, intending to restore Talzin’s physical form by draining the count’s life energies. Sidious and Grievous arrived to stop the ritual, but Talzin had already possessed Dooku’s body. Sidious defeated the possessed Dooku and Grievous destroyed Talzin. The Sith future, Sidious promised Dooku, was now more certain than ever.
Dooku worked to turn Vos to the dark side, giving him a Separatist command as Admiral Enigma. The Jedi freed him, and Vos teamed up again with Ventress to target Dooku. The count was defeated and wounded by a Republic strike, but Vos refused to surrender to the dark side and strike Dooku down. The count killed Ventress and was rescued by forces sent by Sidious.
With the Republic pushing the Separatists into the Outer Rim, Sidious prepared the Sith endgame. Grievous raided Coruscant and kidnapped Palpatine, taking the Supreme Chancellor to his flagship, where Dooku awaited. Anakin and Obi-Wan infiltrated the ship to rescue the Chancellor and confronted Dooku.
Dooku defeated Obi-Wan, but Anakin in turn disarmed him, severing his hands and holding his sabers at the count’s neck. To Dooku’s shock, his secret master then told Anakin to kill him. Sidious had indeed betrayed Dooku, and a flick of Skywalker’s wrists ended the count’s life.
Count Dooku Biography Gallery
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